Chapter 3: Who Is This

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All his classmates classified Jeongguk as the typical high school jock: popular, stunning, and very well-known with the ladies. He wasn't the straight up player everyone thought of him as, using girls for his own needs and throwing them away after. Jeongguk had awful luck with relationships. Connections were crucial to him. Since he never fully clicked with any girl, each relationship would only last a month or two; therefore, Jeongguk acquired the heartthrob player of the school.

Although they were wrong about his player status, they were correct about his popularity and looks.

Jeon Jeongguk, co-captain of the basketball team under Min Yoongi. The thrill Jeongguk received dribbling the basketball down the court, passing, and receiving the rounded orange ball from his teammates, and shooting the winning goal was addicting. During every game, the competitive side of Jeongguk appeared and he would no longer play to the rules, instead playing dirty although his teammates and coach disapproved. The determined boy would push competitors out of bounds and into others to create fouls. This went unnoticed by the referee as his attention would be focused directly on the orange ball and who held it.

Songsaenim Yeon-Joon, coach of the basketball team, scolded Jeongguk after every game but with no luck of getting through his head. Jeongguk yearned to be the winning team every game and played dirty to achieve what he wished.

Besides basketball, Jeongguk had a lot of charm. His slick black hair parted straight down the middle of his forehead accentuated his strong jawline and high cheekbones. Though his aura gave off a strong dominant masculinity vibe, hidden underneath his intimidating mask laid a softer side of the boy.

Not a single girl, who had the privilege of dating Jeongguk, witnessed his soft side. His own best friends happened to also be unfamiliar with soft Jeongguk.

"Jeongguk! Hey, wait up. "Min Yoongi called from across the hall.

Jeongguk scrunched his brows together in annoyance at the request of his friend but obliged since they shared Korean Lit third period. "'Suga." Jeongguk acknowledged him by his underground rapper's name.

"Hey, not here. I don't want people knowing and spreading all that shit." Jeongguk rolled his eyes. If he wanted to be famous, then what was keeping him from showing the world his music. Keeping it secret will only hurt him, but he didn't say a word knowing it would do no good.

"You ready for class? Do the homework? Those complicated verbs were a killer. "Yoongi complained, his hand caressing the backwards cap on top of his head.

Realization hit Jeongguk causing him to immediately stop in the middle of the crowded hallway. "Shit, man. That's what I forgot last night. I was so caught up- I was so busy. "He groaned loudly, catching the attention from several of his peers.

Yoongi sensed Jeongguk's frustration giving him the cue to refrain from saying another word and walked adjacent to him in silence, coming to a stop at their desired destination.

"As soon as the bell rings, please bring your papers to the front. I will quickly grade your homework as you copy the daily questions from the board into your journals. "Songsaenim Go A-Ra announced after she observed each student present in her classroom. All seats seemed to be filled except for one. She expected a new face, but her expectations fell short as she only recognized her normal class attendees.

Jeongguk trudged to the farthest right corner of the room, his usual spot, and sat down with a thud, his bag being thrown in the floor as he did not care about the contents it held anymore.

The anger he felt towards himself was everything but dangerous. He always completed his homework within an hour or two of arriving home but last night he held a lengthy conversation with a girl, Ha Rin, a girl from school who fancied him. Although he didn't fancy her, he welcomed the obsessive attention she forced upon him.

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