Chapter 8: Hurt Feelings

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Hyun-Tae burst through the door of Doctor Jung's office with a loud greeting.

As soon as Hyun-Tae and his mother left the school she called Doctor Jung in frantic emergency. Understanding the situation, Doctor Jung cleared his remaining schedule to tend to HyunTae.

"Hyun-Tae, it's good to see you. " He clasped his hands together and stood up from his desk, "would you like a sucker? " He asked the boy as he opened his door of sweets. Tae nodded quickly and hopped over to the opposite side of the desk to choose a blue sucker and a roll or smarties.

Happy with his candy he danced his way to the comfy seat in the corner and sat down, his full attention focused on opening and eating his treats.

"Would you like to talk about anything? " Doctor Jung asked interrupting Hyun-Tae's declared silent time. At first he paid no attention, ignoring anything said to him and anything around him, but the doctor cleared his throat a couple of times grabbing his attention.

"O-okay. Confuused.. A lot of w-weird big kids in my class today, one call m-me-me stu-pid.. " Hyun-Tae said, fresh tears pouring from his eyes for the second time that day " M-me not stupid, they wrong.. Place. " Doctor Jung sat their and intently listened to the boy showing compassionate and understanding when needed.

"Have you asked Taehyung about this? " He asked while pulling out a few sheets of blank paper and some pens.

"N-no. TaeTae hasn't seen him, he does-nt want to b-be found. Says he h-hurt and want to stay away. " Hyun-Tae fumbled around with her empty candy wrappers, "don't l-like here. " Doctor Jung wrote down every piece of information he received from his little speech.

"Did Taehyung tell you what happened for him to be hurt before he left? " The words left his mouth even without him thinking. This question was deamed important, knowing the cause of this alter change would help greatly in Taehyung's case.

"No." Hyun-Tae said shortly, not bothering to glance at the doctor, the piece of crinkled up wrapping plastic looked more interesting.

"Ah, I see. What about you Hyun-Tae how have you been? " He asked hoping to keep conversation with the little boy, much less stressful than trying to keep a conversation with Taehyung.

"I'm.. 'm fine. " The boy no longer interested in talking, "want color. " He said excitedly and got up from the comfy seat to search for colors in paper. In school they had papers and colors in desk drawers and that's the first place he looked, earning a disapproving stare from Doctor Jung.

"Hyun-Tae, you need to ask before looking through someone's things, it's very rude to do without permission. " He said sternly and rose from his chair to grab a few pieces of paper and colors from a box he had specially placed in the corner.

"Here, next time ask okay? " Hyun-Tae paid the doctor no mind and went back to his chair happily.

While Taehyung colored, Doctor Jung asked for Chaeyeon to enter the room for a quick discussion about her son's behavior and his own thoughts on the matter.

"He said he talked to Taehyung before he left but nothing about why was spoken. " He pulled the piece of paper with his notes and shared some of the details with Chaeyeon.

"I couldn't get him to tell me what had went wrong, I'm not sure if he knew but was told to keep quiet. Do you have any idea what might have went wrong? " He asked with hopeful eyes but to his dismay she shook her head.

"Jin called me. Said he was okay during their class but when lunch came around.. Taehyung was gone. " Chaeyeon sighed, her job put so much stress on her and knowing something happened to her son had her overwhelmed.

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