Chapter 41: Dinner

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"Okay, Tell Yoongi I said Hi. " Taehyung hopped out of the car before Hoseok could make another smart comment. He had teased him about Yoongi the whole drive to his house, surely by the time they arrived at his home Hoseok had enough of it. 

"Eomma, I'm home.. " Taehyung called as he walked in the door. He received no answer and frowned. Her car was parked out in the driveway. 

"Eomma? " He asked again, this time a little louder. 

"She said she was going to take a nap before getting dinner started. " Taehyung almost jumped about ten feet high when Soo Won came behind him and spoke with that gravelly, rough voice of his. 

"O-oh.. " He nodded and tried to continue upstairs. He had made it up two steps before his arm was caught. 

"Taehyung.. " Soo Won said softly and Taehyung pulled away from him, running upstairs until he was safely in his room

"I need to find something nice to wear.. For Jeongguk? To impress his dad? Yeah.. Yeah.. " Taehyung muttered to himself as he stepped into his closet to rummage through all of his clothes. 

This might take a while, a long while. 

After ten minutes Taehyung stepped out of his closet with three shirts and two pairs of pants. He was a fan of comfortable clothes, casual fancy being his thing. He laid a red silk shirt on his bed with a pair of black loose fitting skinny jeans. Next to that pick he laid an oversized white button up, almost see through, shirt with a pair of light blue skinny jeans, and next to all that he laid down a gray oversized sweater. 

"Uhh.. " His eyes kept pinning to the middle outfit. It would fail to reveal any of his features that would immediately catch the eye of Jeongguk. Unlike the red silk shirt and black pants that would capture every detail of his body, something that could really pull Jeongguk in. 

"I could.. save that for a special night. " Taehyung pointed to the first outfit and nodded. 

"White shirt it is. " He went into the bathroom and started his shower, enough time until the guests arrived to ready himself for dinner. 

Several hours later the doorbell rings and Taehyung threw the door open about to rush down stairs, 

"Wait..I should wait and then walk down to surprise him.. " He thought better than to be the one to answer the door. Taehyung felt the nerves rising in his body. He stood for the past twenty minutes in front of the mirror touching up his face and his blond hair. He went for a messy but elegant hair style.

Please, please let him find me attractive.. 

He could clearly hear the voices speaking down below. His father had welcomed the guests and his mother gushed over how handsome Jeongguk looked. 

Time to put on a show. 

Taehyung took each step down the stairs as slow as possible. If he was being honest, he was more than nervous to have dinner with the whole family, including Jaeho. His aunt and.. Uncle were okay, he thought. But Soo Won, he was a little sketchy having him there as well. Jeongguk was good at picking out when things were off. 

"Ahh, there he is. " Chaeyeon smiled as Taehyung finally arrived into the family room. Immediately Jeongguk's eyes lit up in pure awe. He pushed passed his dad and held his arms out to capture the boy he held so much care for and wrapped him up tightly. 

"Everytime I see you my heart beats faster. " Taehyung shyly wrapped his arms around Jeongguk and blushed at his words, they were loud enough for the family to hear. 

"You look.. absolutely breathtaking. " Jeongguk murmured as he pulled away. He took Taehyung's hand in his own and admired the rings decorating his fingers, "the ones you bought in daegu? " 

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