Chapter 21: Friends?

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Taehyung took every piece of clothing and all of his necessities he brought along out of his bag not caring where he threw them. The bag soon laid on the ground emptied fully. 

No, please, this can't be happening.. 

Namjoon was the first to notice Taehyung's panicked state. He asked the boy if he was alright but received no reply as Taehyung was running his fingers through his hair while hyperventilating, a panic attack coming on. 

Jeongguk heard the deep breaths Taehyung inhaled and rushed to his side, panicked himself as he didn't understand what was wrong. 

"Tae.. " He wrapped his muscular arms around Taehyung's slim waist and held his back against his chest, "Tae baby what's wrong? " He didn't care about the pet name that flowed easily from his lips, he didn't care what the two other occupants of the room thought of, he didn't care about anything other than the panicked Taehyung he embraced tightly. 

"I.. I.. I.. " Taehyung couldn't speak, instead shallow breaths left his lips and gasps filled the room as he tried to fill his deprived lungs with air. 

"Shh, it's okay.. Take your time just breath. "Jeongguk whispered and pressed his lips against Taehyung's ear hoping to calm him. 

Yoongi and Namjoon watched with shock, more Yoongi since he felt close to Taehyung. Yoongi felt his heart tightened as he watched the sight in front of him. Taehyung always tried to look happy on the outside, but there was so much he held back. 

" Is this normal..? " Namjoon asked quietly, face too close for comfort. Yoongi jerked his head back and stared at the younger with narrowed eyes. 

"Not too close next time, yeah?" He sighed and turned his head back to see that Taehyung had calmed down a bit, "I'm not sure, I've only seen him panic once so. " The two continued their quiet conversation, even changing the subject. They felt that staring wasn't something one should do and since Jeongguk was comforting Taehyung, they would wait to check up on him when he was feeling better. 

"You okay now Tae? " Jeongguk asked, his fingers running through Taehyung's soft blond hair, his other hand rubbing soft circles against his side. 

Taehyung, exhausted, leaned his head onto Jeongguk's shoulder and closed his eyes as he took as deep breath preparing himself to talk. 

"I-I'm..'m fine." 

"Can you tell me what's wrong? " Jeongguk asked. 

"I.. " Taehyung was hesitant to say anything. Telling him what was wrong would also mean telling him that he had a few mental problems. 

"I.. Forgot my m-medicine..all of them. " 

Jeongguk please don't find me weird.. 

"I must h-have been so excited to leave, it's been a w-while since I got o-out of town. "

Please don't be disgusted with me Jeongguk.. 

"I.. I've been f-forgetting so much l-lately. " Taehyung said defeatedly. 


Jeongguk sat there without a single word to say. He was at a loss of words not because Taehyung told him he had a bunch of medicine he had to take daily, it was because he couldn't figure out a solution to the problem.If Taehyung is without his medicine, he'll suffer the whole weekend. 

"G-gukkie..? " Taehyung asked softly bringing Jeongguk out of his mind. 

"I'm sorry Tae, I was thinking.." 

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