Chapter 18: Lonely

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A week later Wednesday rolled around once again. Taehyung hadn't seen much of Jeongguk since the weekend because of his busy practice and meet schedule. He was present in class and at lunch but his focus was somewhere else and hardly a conversation was kept between the two. Taehyung has been a little upset with their lack of talking and interacting, but there wasn't much he could do. 

Currently Taehyung sat in his seventh class, study period. He was on the computer typing out the rest of his biology project findings. They just had a project on the different species of mammals.Taehyung had the topic of whales. He chose the layout of one picture of whale with the description. Of course he couldn't write about every single whale leaving him to pick the top fifteen whales he found interesting. 

While searching Taehyung ran across a website that held an interest in type of whale species. The whale intrigued him so much he had to add an extra number, making the count 16, and wrote a whole paragraph of his findings. 

"In 1989 an unusual call was made by an unknown species of whale. A year or two later the same call was heard again and scientists took matters into their hands and began to research. They noticed the whale called at an unusual 52 hertz frequency. The whale was the only one known to call at this frequency. Without a species name for the whale, they named it "The 52 Hertz Whale". The whale is close to a blue whale in some ways and a Fin whale in others, but it matched neither one hundred percent. It is thought that the whale may be malformed or a hybrid between the blue and fin whale, even the whale being deaf is being considered. Nonetheless, the whale is considered the loneliest whale on Earth. " 


Lonely lonely lonely whale.. " Taehyung said quietly to himself as he finished up the typing the ending facts of his whale report. 

Just as he clicked print the seat next to him was taken by his sister. They had never really interacted around school before as she was always around and out with the popular crowd. 

In fact even at home they haven't really spoken lately. 

"Taehyung. Wait you are.. Taehyung right? " She asked in a sort of mocking way. 

Taehyung acted as if he hadn't heard her and stood up to reach for his papers that were finished coming out of the printing machine. 

"Whatever. Anyways How have you been lately? We haven't been so close.. " She continued on. Taehyung was listening to her, he just wasn't replying because he felt she was up to something. 

"Do you have any plans tomorrow night? The game is tomorrow.. Are you going? I'm going. Ha Rin is cheering for halftime." She leaned over trying to catch Taehyung's eye, "hopefully her and Jeongguk will show up to the after party together. Or maybe me.. And him.. " She pushed on. 

She really came just to bug me and try to make me jealous to see if I like Jeongguk. 

I wonder if Ha Rin put her up to this.. 

Why would they even think I'd be jealous, Jeongguk is cute.. He's.. He's hot when he's practicing, sexy even I.. 

Taehyung stopped his thoughts from progressing and busied himself with his second unfinished assignment. Seo Yoon grunted in frustration and stood up. She looked at her brother with a glare before stomping off and exiting the library. 

Over the past couple of weeks Taehyung's relationship with his sister had become completely non existent. After his weird behavior got around school she had completely cut off contact with him at home and started hanging around Her Rin and her group of girls. 

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