Chapter 35: Remember Me

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"Gukkie.. w-why are you so p-paranoid.. " Taehyung asked for the second time as they pulled up to the school parking lot. It had been a couple of weeks since the incident where Jeongguk saw the unknown figure standing across Taehyung's street. Since then Jeongguk had been way too protective over Taehyung. Taking him home and walking him to the door, picking him up for school and never leaving his side until he was forced to. 

"Tae.. "Jeongguk sighed for the hundredth time, "I..I'm just worried about you." 

"But I'm okay Gukkie, see-" Taehyung smiled showing off his boxy smile. Jeongguk smiled softly and leaned in to press his lips softly against Taehyung's nose. 

Jeongguk wanted to be happy seeing his baby boy smile, but truthfully he just couldn't. Since that day he had seen that same person standing around wherever Taehyung would be. The past few days he had seen him close to the school grounds and it irked him. What reason did he have for stalking someone to that extent? 

He couldn't tell Taehyung. A couple of times when they spent time together outside of school he mentioned the topic and Taehyung told him it was nothing to worry about. Claiming that he had watched a few crime shows and that he had never seen someone be stalked in such a way. 

He's too innocent.. 

"Everything is fine, I promise you.. I-i don't like to se-see you worry this way.. " Taehyung  took Jeongguk's hand and laced their fingers together to calm him. 

"If anything is wrong you'll be the first to know. " Jeongguk sighed and stared right into those beautiful brown eyes that captivated him. The reassurance held on those book orbs calmed him, but only a little as he couldn't help but feel like something terribly wrong could occur any minute. 

"Okay baby.. " Taehyung smiled. All he wanted was for Jeongguk to be happy and worry free. 

"Let's get to school, baby.. remember I have practice later but the coach wants you to wait outside this time.. " He said slowly, disappointment evident in his voice. 

"I understand.. After last time.. " Taehyung glanced at Jeongguk's lip. The cut was fully healed, even so the image of the wound still burned into his mind. It hurt him still to know that Jeongguk had been hurt by it. 

The two boys clambered out of the vehicle and headed into school. Just as they entered the double opening door the warning bell went off signaling students to quickly head to their first period. 

"Tae.. " Jeongguk gave him an apologetic look. He couldn't be late for class or he would have to serve afternoon detention along with his lunch detentions from the last practice he attended. 

Taehyung replied that he would be okay and reluctantly the couple parted and headed to their own morning class. 

"Ah, Mr. Taehyung.. " The teacher glared at him. He had arrived late to class on account of bumping into some random student.

He was quickly shuffling through the halls trying to make it before the late bell rang and ended up crashing into another person. 

"S-sorry.. " A flustered Taehyung bent down to pick up stacks of books that fell on impact from their run in. 

The male just stared at Taehyung not offering any kind of help at all. 

"I'm s-such a c-clumsy p.. " Taehyung stopped speaking as he began to feel uncomfortable under the hard stare the unknown person gave him. 

He finished quickly and shoved the mystery person's books into his hands then grabbed on to his own. He left as quick as possible, that encounter felt a little too weird. 

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