Chapter 13: My Home

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"Taehyungie! I missed you. " Jimin exclaimed and jumped up from the table to run and hug his friend. Jin, who had been sitting across from Jimin, also stood up to greet Taehyung but stopped in his tracks when he saw a confident Jeongguk and hesitant Yoongi walking behind him.

"What are those two doing with you? " Jin's naturally protecting aura came out and he grabbed Taehyung by the arm to bring him to his side, "I don't want them around you. "

"Hyung, stop. " Taehyung pulled his arm away and shot a disapproving look towards him. "They are.. With me. Hoseok hyung and I saw Yoongi yesterday and during class.. J-jeongguk and I talked.. " He said and looked down shyly to hide his face.

"Yoongi apologized to Tae, Jin hyung.. It's okay. " Hoseok stood up for Taehyung who looked too flustered to speak anymore.

"Let's just eat. " Jimin said hoping to stop any oncoming confrontation. He wasn't too mad that Yoongi would be eating with them again, he missed him the last few days at school. But when Jin gets over protective there's only so much you can do.

Taehyung sat down in his usual spot next to Hoseok. Jin would always sit on the other side of him, but today he chose to sit next to Jimin and refrain from any conversation with Taehyung at all. The way he heard Yoongi speak to him that one day and knowing Jeongguk was the cause of his stress made him angry. How could Taehyung forgiven them already?

"J.. Jin hyung? " Taehyung asked softly. He frowned deeply when his friend ignored him.

Jeongguk saw that Taehyung was getting upset and he moved a seat over to sit next to him, "Hey.. Taehyung? What are you going to eat?"

At the mention of eating, Taehyung looked down at the empty space on the table in front of him. Usually Jin would be the one to bring him his tray since he hated crowded lines. Instead of replying to Jeongguk he looked towards the cafeteria line and saw a line full of rowdy students waiting to be charged for their food.

"I.. I.. " He looked at Jin, but their eyes never met. His other two friends were in deep conversation with one another, even Yoongi.

"Taehyung." Jeongguk said his name once again, "Taehyung look at me. " He placed his finger against the soft smooth skin of Taehyung's cheek and turned his face to him.

"Would you like to me to get you something? I have to get something for me as well. " Jeongguk noticed the fear in Taehyung's eyes when he looked towards the crowded line, the longer he stared the more conflicted he looked.

"Y.. You don't ha-" Jeongguk cut Tae off before he could refuse.

"You need to eat. I'm going up anyways.. I'll bring you something back. No need to worry. " Before the once again flustered boy could object, Jeongguk stood up and headed to the cafeteria.

"That was sweet of him. " Jimin said and brought Taehyung out of his daze.

"Y-yeah it w.. He was just being nice.. " Taehyung fumbled with his words. Jimin looked at Yoongi who was staring at Taehyung with a questionable expression.

"You alright Yoongi? " Jimin nudged the older with his elbow to bring his attention towards him.

"Huh? Yeah. . " He trailed off and took his fork, stuffing his mouth with the pieces of kalbi on his lunch plate. He saw Jeongguk's act of kindness a little weird and he'd rather not get into conversation about it with anyone.

The lunch table was quiet once again. Jin kept to himself, Hoseok and Jimin were texting each other trying to figure out how to bring Jin out of this horrible mood. They didn't want him hurting Taehyung unintentionally when they all needed to be there for him. Yoongi just sat there eating and staring off into space.

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