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"Eomma let me help you.. " Taehyung said for the millionth time as he shuffled into the kitchen. 

"Seo Yoon is helping me, it's okay. Besides it wouldn't be nice to leave Jeongguk on his own. "

".. He's watching boxing with dad. " Taehyung pouted, clearly not receiving enough attention from his boyfriend. 

The last several months have been great for him. He opened up a little and took a chance at being social with more peers than just his close friends. He spent more time out with others but always made more time for his five best friends, and his boyfriend. 

Taehyung still went to therapy. Doctor Jung scheduled his appointments at least once a week now. He improved a lot, but still had episodes with alter changes every now and then. 

With his past behind him he felt like he could truly be a whole new person. 

"Taehyung! " He heard Jeongguk cal from the living room. They had been attached to each other ever since that night at the hotel room in Jeju island. Their bond was stronger and the love was something he thought he would never be able to experience. 

"Yeah? " Taehyung asked as he approached the couch his dad and Jeongguk sat at. 

"I just missed you baby. " Jeongguk smiled and took Taehyung's hand, pulling him onto the couch between him and Beom Seok. 

Before Taehyung could reply the Tv flashed to a different screen and the title read: BREAKING NEWS. 

"We are interrupting your tv schedule with a news story that could be dangerous for you and your family. A new inmate at jail was able to make friends with a correctional officer and she helped him escape earlier this morning.. " 

Taehyung felt his heart drop as he listened to the news reporter. His fingers dug hard into Jeongguk's palm. 

"Cops are still trying to track him down. The CO has been taken down to the questioning area and they are trying to figure out what exactly happened and how he was able to persuade this  officer."

A picture flashed up on screen and Taehyung felt as if he would faint in the next few questions. 

"This man is Soo Won. He is considered extremely dangerous, especially to younger males. If you see him on the street, do not interact or go up to him. Call the police immediately. "

This can't be happening..

"A-a-appa.. " Taehyung stuttered out, his whole body shaking in fear. 

Chaeyeon and Seo Yoon had caught the end of the broadcast. They all stared at each other in concern. 

"I-i.. " The years were pouring from Taehyung's eyes like a waterfall. Jeongguk wrapped his arms tightly around his boyfriend not having any clue how to comfort him from what he had just heard and saw. 

"W-w-what do we d-do now. " Taehyung asked between his sobs. 

Nobody had a clue. 


A/N: this is it guys. The last chapter. Thank you so much for waiting and reading my book even though I took breaks from writing several times. Thank you to my readers who have been with me since the first chapter. I could not have finished this book without you guys. 

I couldn't have finished without all your love and support and comments. They really made a difference for me and I could keep writing because of you guys. I love you all so much and I hope this book entertained you and I hope you all love it. 

Borahae 💜💜💜


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