Chapter 30: Not Him

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"Taehyung-ah, I've been worried about you all day.. " Taehyung frowned at the sound of Jin's voice. He didn't want to look sad and down now that his best friend was visiting him, but he just couldn't help the disappointment he felt that it wasn't Jeongguk. 

Jin walked further into the room straight to the lamp, turning it on to illuminate the room and to see Taehyung better. 

"Hyung.. Too bright.. " Taehyung whined and shielded his eyes. He had been laying out in the dark for so long that one exposure to bright light had dots dancing around his vision. 

"I was worried when you didn't come to school today without telling us, we all were.. " Jin sat down on the edge of the bed worried that being too close would scare Taehyung in some sort of way, not consciously but subconsciously. 

"Jeongguk..? " Taehyung asked hopefully and Jin sighed. He didn't want to tell Taehyung the bad news, his eyes looked glossed over with just a hint of hope and he knew that his answer would crush all that he had. 

"Jeongguk he.. He didn't sit with us. He sat with the basketball team, those guys.. Yoongi sat with them too, even Jimin doesn't know anything.. "

"Yoongi..? He called me.." Jin looked towards Taehyung with a surprised expression. Yoongi had barely spoke to them at all, what reason does he have for calling Tae? 

"He.. He asked me what happened and hyung I c-couldn't tell him, J-jeongguk.. has to know f-first.. "

"Oh, baby.. " Jin crawled up next to Taehyung and wrapped his arms tightly around him in a firm embrace. 

"Yoongi wanted to e-end the call s-so fast a..after I refused to tell h-him anything.. He h-hates me hyung.. both do.. "

Taehyung buried his head into Jin's shoulders and let more of his tears fall. He thought by now the tears would be dried up without any  left to fall, but as usual he was wrong. 

Jin held Taehyung for what felt like hours when in reality it was only about thirty minutes. The tears had dried up and all that was coming from Taehyung was a quiet sniffle here and there. 

"You alright now Tae? " Jin asked softly while caressing his hair. 

"I'm.. I'm better.. " He said quietly. 

"Well to cheer you up, might as well tell you something else that will embarrass you. "

"What are you talking about? " Taehyung asked, more focused now. 

"Well, yesterday.. When you had your switch, you flirted with me.. " Jin said, the corner of his lips turning upwards into a small smile. 

"No.. you're kidding.. " There was no hiding that Tae was blushing, his cheeks were the deepest shade of red they had ever been. 

"No.. " Jin laughed and Taehyung couldn't help but laugh as well, the windshield wipers laugh of his was so contagious. 

"I can't..believe this, oh this is so embarrassing. " Taehyung whined. 

"Well, it's okay.. No one can resist worldwide handsome. " Taehyung groaned and reached for a pillow, throwing it right at Jin's face causing them both to laugh even harder. 

"Boys? " Chaeyeon peeked her head around the door and rolled her eyes at the sight in front of her. 

Taehyung and Jin hadn't heard her approaching because of their loud laughter, when she pushed the door open hard enough to bang against the wall it had them both jumping as if they had been shot. 

"M-m-mom! " Taehyung yelled and pouted, "I should throw a pillow at you for doing that.. s-scared me half t-to death. "

"Don't even think about it," She chuckled, "I came up to ask if Jin wanted to stay for dinner, we're having bibimbap and it's ready."  Jin was like a brother to Taehyung and when they were younger he stayed over so much that people asked if he lived with Taehyung. 

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