Chapter 19: Victory

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"I will never go to another one of your family's dinner parties again. " Taehyung stated as he sat down with Jimin and Hoseok at their claimed lunch table. 

"Oh, Tae it wasn't that bad. " Jimin tried to lighten his friend's thoughts about last night. 

Jimin was wrong. It was bad. Taehyung spent the night worrying constantly about what others thought of him. Every step he made he felt hundreds of eyes on him. Most of his time was spent in the bathroom trying to calm his anxiety down, he was gone for so long he missed the dinner and had nothing to eat until he was dropped off at his home. 

"Hoseok.. " Taehyung glanced towards his friend and shook his head while mouthing, 'never again'. Jimin whined and slapped taehyung on the shoulder, 

"I saw that. " Both Hoseok and Taehyung chuckled. Jin arrived at the table in the midst of their laughing and asked what he had missed. 

"Jimin dragged Tae to a dinner party last night and Taehyung hated it.. Jimin doesn't think it was bad though. " Hoseok answered his hyung. 

Jin's lips moved into an 'o' shape and he nodded. He sat his tray of food down and sat the other one he had purchased in front of Taehyung. 

"Thank you Jin hyung. " Taehyung said and pulled the tray closer to him. He was thankful that he didn't have to stand in line today, it looked rather crowded. 

Just as the four boys settled down and began eating, a huge crowd busted through the lunchroom doors and headed towards the popular table area. Taehyung noticed Jeongguk almost instantly and frowned when he saw that he would not be eating with them today. 

Did I do something wrong.. He hasn't talked to me since yesterday. It's like he's avoiding me.. 

Taehyung no longer held an appetite and played with his food. He had saw Yoongi Hyung as well, but he looked like he was also eating with that crowd. 

Taehyung told himself not to think about it and tried to include himself in the table conversation, but he kept forgetting what his friends we're talking about and decided to not speak at all. 

Jeongguk looked from his table full of jocks to the table he had been sitting at for the past couple of weeks. His desire was to sit there, but coach thought the team should be bonding and spending time by eating lunch and walking to class together in hoped to have the team as one for tonight's game. 

In Jeongguk's eyes they were no longer friends or a team. They didn't apologize or acknowledge the wrong they had done to Taehyung and Jeongguk was still furious about that. 

"Coach wants us to practice before the game but I say we should head to my house and chill before coming back. " Chanyeol said as he dropped his tray full of unhealthy food down on the table. 

"True, can even invite the girls.. " Yugyeom smirked and glanced at Jeongguk.  

"Not today, I plan on practicing my shots until the game. " Jeongguk but in without a single glance to any of his team. 

The guys just laughed and tuned to  each other to carry a conversation that didn't involve Jeongguk. Yoongi as always stayed by Jeongguk's side, but this time Hyunjin moved to sit next to the empty seat by Jeongguk. 

"Mind if I practice shots with you guys after school, need to work on my aim. " Jeongguk and Yoongi were taken aback by the sudden appearance of Hyunjin to them. They weren't close at all and Hyunjin mainly stood behind Chan the whole time. 

Yoongi was the first to speak up, 

"Sure man.. We don't mind. " 

Jeongguk nodded and glanced once more at the table where Taehyung sat. He hasn't had the time to speak to him lately, that didn't mean he missed him. Jeongguk missed Taehyung so much so that he had a special surprise after the game to make up for their lack of speaking. 

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