Chapter 17: Difference

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"... Taehyung did you hear me? " Doctor Jung asked for the third time. Taehyung shook his head to take himself out of his thoughts. 

"Huh? " He asked. Doctor Jung sighed and ran his fingers through his curled brown locks. 

"What's got your focus messed up?" Taehyung just stared at him. His mind has been consumed with thoughts of Jeongguk ever since their conversation the night before. He had been scared to text him at first, but in the end he was glad he did. But he couldn't tell his therapist this. 

"N-nothing w..what did you ask? " 

"I asked if you had spoken to Hyuntae lately. " Doctor Jung picked his pen up once again hoping the boy who sat in front of him would keep his focus. 

"W-well I-I-I.." Taehyung stuttered. He hadn't told his mom or dad about what happened yesterday at school, in fact he planned to keep it a secret from everybody. 

"N-no I h-havent.. I-I mean.. " He looked down at his fidgeting hands and his knees started to bounce rapidly. Doctor Jung could tell that Taehyung wasn't being one hundred percent truthful. 

"Taehyung, you come here to tell me what's wrong and to talk about your life. I'm here to talk with thou, with Hyuntae and help you understand and listen to you. " Doctor Jung took his glasses off and sat them on the table. Now he was looking at Taehyung eye to eye showing all signs of honestly and complete trustworthiness. 

"I-I know.. But something hap-pened at school and I d-don't want my mom or a-anyone to know what happened.. " Taehyung glanced at his therapist but he could not keep full eye contact, part of his anxiety. 

"Between me and you everything is confidential. Anything you say to me stays between us unless you tell me it's alright for your parents to know. I don't think it's a good idea to keep things hidden, bu I am here for you not against you. "

Taehyung started to let his guard down slowly with each word that came out of Doctor Jung's mouth. 

If he promises to keep things between them, it would be okay to talk won't it? 

What if he is lying.. 

Taehyung's thoughts went back and forth. He came close to telling all of the details about yesterday  then he would imagine the doctor taking his mother aside before they left and telling her everything. 

"I can't. " He mumbled, mostly to himself. He tugged the ends of the sleeves of his oversized pullover over his hands and held them against his lips to chew on the fabric. It was an unhealthy habit but whenever in conflict and nervous he would resort to it.

"You can't what? " Doctor Jung asked. He was looking at Taehyung carefully as this was a behavior he had never witnessed before. 

"I can't. I can't. " Taehyung chanted again with his focus fixed on the doctor in front of him. 

Doctor Jung wrote a couple of things down on his piece of paper for their current session. When Taehyung spoke again this time he noticed a change in his voice. It was of high pitch and sounded far different than his normal accent. 

"Is something going on, Taehyung? " Doctor Jung asked, ready to write down any and everything said. 

"Taehyung..? " Taehyung asked then realized his gaze was focused right on the doctors and he averted his eyes as quick as he could. 

"Are you alright? Did something happen?"

"I don't know..? I though..thought we were talking about what happened y-yesterday. " Taehyung said confusingly. 

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