Chapter 43: Promise

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Monday, the most dreadful day of the week. Teenagers are forced out of bed as soon as the sun begins to rise after a two day weekend. Taehyung was among the tired students who shambled down the hallway with their tired eyes. A couple of fellow students bumped into him, whether on purpose or on accident, causing him to stumble a little on his own. 

Instead of his plan to head to his first class early he went to stand by the lockers for support, his tired legs refused to hold him up steadily. 

"Ugh, why didn't I get enough sleep. " He complained to himself and rested his head on the cool surface of the lockers. Several students gave him weird looks, but he ignored it. He wasn't in the mood today to pay attention to what others thought of him. Very unusual. 

"Well, well well.. The fag decided to show up at my locker. What is it you want? No amount of money will get you anything from me. " Chanyeol appeared out of nowhere, smirking. His whole gang followed behind him along with a new recruit as well, Do Ji Jan. 

Taehyung could have swore their lockers were on the other side of the school. 

"I.. I-i didn't know t-this was yours.. M-m sorry. " Taehyung pushed himself from the metal. Chanyeol grabbed the thick material of his shirt to keep him from wandering off. 

"My new friend here tells me a lot about you. He used to go to school with you. " Chanyeol nodded to Do Ji Han who stood there with a blank expression as always. 

"You tried to seduce him in school and got both of you expelled? Can't wait to let Guk know at practice. " Ji Han was angry about being rejected by Taehyung. How could he not remember his name? He searched around the school till he found some guys who hated Taehyung and told them a few stretched lies about the past. Of course he couldn't mention coming from a mental hospital, what would they think? He had to make Taehyung out to be the bad, crazy guy. Making his life a living hell for the past and for rejecting him. 

"I.. H-haven't done any of t-that where did you get that information? " Taehyung stared at him with confused eyes. They held fear, this rumor would get around school quickly and everyone would tease and bully him, worse than now.

"Hah..are you so desperate you tried to pay someone for.. Love? " Yugyeom laid a heavy arm round Do Ji Han's shoulder and nudged him to say something. 

"Even if I was.. a fag you wouldn't be worth all the money in the world. " Taehyung frowned. The guy just moved to their school and started torturing him for no reason, he hasn't done anything to deserve this. 

The bell rang, stopping the conversation from growing. 

"Oh shit, guess we were at the wrong lockers. Better get going. Too much contact with the fag and we'll be like him." Chanyeol held a smug expression and walked off, bumping his shoulder hard into Taehyung's. 

Taehyung slumped his shoulders and fixed his gaze on the tilted floor. He had enough problems going on at his home, why did the new kid decide to come and make his only safe place just as bad.

First period wasn't even half way over and Taehyung's morning had gotten worse. The teacher decided to pick on him and make him the center of attention for class. Students raised their hand to answer the tough questions, but the teacher had other ideas. He called on Taehyung every single question and demanded he come up to the board and answer. When he refused he was sent to the hallway. 

"I just want to go home. " He mumbled to himself as he waited for principal Lee to deal with the problem, as the math teacher had said. 

"Taehyung, you aren't one to get into trouble. " Principal Lee spoke with authority. 

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