Chapter 50: Time To Heal (M)

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".. That last play was genius, Jeongguk. " Yugyeom patted him on the back a little too hard, "fake it to min and pass to Chanyeol. They never even thought.. " He snickered. The game had just ended about an hour ago and the remaining occupants of the gym left together. Most of the team were there, Taehyung with the other 6 members of their new found group, and a couple of peers from school.

"Dude, right? Nobody thought I could make that shot from the three point line. "

"You're better at layups.. " Yoongi said slowly with an eye roll.

"You coming to the party, Guk?" Chan asked as he nudged his side sharly with his elbow, on accident.

"Shit, man be careful." Jeongguk laid the palm of his hand over his side, rubbing as if he was actually in pain.

"Don't be a baby. You coming or not?"

"Nah, I have some other things planned. I'll catch you all tomorrow. " He threw his hand up as he walked away, a quiet Taehyung following in his trails.

"A-are you sure you don't want to p-party? Hobi and Yoongi a-are going. " Taehyung asked softly as they approached Jeongguk's vehicle.

"Yes. I promised a special night to you if we won and that's exactly what we are going to do. " Jeongguk opened the door and ushered the pouting boy inside the car. He had this night planned for months, and tonight seemed like the special occasion for special time with his boyfriend.

"We are g-going to y-your house? "

"Yeah, baby.. My dad flew to Taiwan for business and I wanted to spend time with you. You've been through a lot and I want to show you there's more to life than bad things, more happy things to look forward to. " Jeongguk leaned over to buckle Taehyung in, stealing a kiss as he clicked the metal into its temporary place.

"Is that alright? " Jeongguk stared into his eyes, he could feel Taehyung fidgeting due to the closeness of their bodies. He smirked, knowing he could make his boy this nervous was a happy feeling.

"O-of course.. " Taehyung said quietly, averting his gaze.

"Oh l-look everyone else has left, w-we should leave too. " Taehyung pointed out the obvious. The longer Jeongguk stared at him with that deep gaze the more jittery he felt, he had to change the subject.

Jeongguk let out a short, breathy laugh. He shook his head and removed himself from Taehyung's side of the car leaving space between the two of them.

Why are my nerves all over the place tonight, Taehyung thought to himself. His anxiety flared up and his knee bounced constantly in a rapid movement. Jeongguk noticed and laid his hand over his knees, rubbing over the material of Taehyung's jeans. It was comforting, but at the same time his stomach churned in the pit of his stomach. It felt like a bundle of nerves and emotions gathered there and he felt confused.

Jeongguk rounded the corner to his home and pulled into the empty driveway. He asked the help to leave early as he wanted the place to himself with his love.

The boys exited the car together and headed inside together. The atmosphere felt tense, more than usual between them. It was more of an I'm very nervous, this is our first time alone together, kind of tense.

"Are you hungry?" Jeongguk asked as he slid his fingers underneath Taehyung's jacket, removing the heavy garment of clothing.

"A little.. " He nodded and smiled thankfully at him.

Jeongguk laced his fingers with his and led him into the dining room where the table laid fully loaded with different kinds of food: appetizers, main courses, dessert.

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