Chapter 7: Ungrateful

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Jeongguk watched as a frantic woman came running into the lunch room with their principal tailing not far behind her. He felt sorry for the teenager with this mom as this would most likely embarrass him to death. He wasn't one to pry into anyone's business, but something inside of him had him curious to who the student of the mother was.

His curiosity soon faded when the mother rushed to their table and scooped a happy Taehyung into her arms.

"Mommy!" Taehyung squealed with delight and hugged her tightly. "Mommy I c-colored you a picture. " The boy said, his hands reaching for his back but his mother stopped him.

"Show me at home, okay baby? Principal Lee said you can come home. Would you like to come home with mommy? " She said with a high pitched voice like she was speaking to a baby.

"C-can we get ice cream at home? " Taehyung asked with hopefully eyes.

"Maybe, come on baby let's get you home. " Taehyung was looking for a yes, not a maybe, and crossed his arms over his chest pouting while staring at his mother hoping she would change her mind.

His mother glanced at the lunch table and smiled weakly at the boys she knew as Taehyung's friend. When her eyes landed on Jeongguk she suddenly became curious, not even offering a glance at Yoongi. In any other situation she would have sat down and questioned him demandingly, but her son needed her this moment.

"Tae, baby we will see okay. " Taehyung stomped his feet on the ground and refused her answer once again. Before he could throw a tantrum his mother grabbed a hold of his hand and took him out of the crowded, nosy lunch room.

The doors to the lunchroom closed behind the mother, her boy, and the principal and instantly the whole lunchroom got loud. Kids laughed as they mocked the scene that happened in front of them, some judged Taehyung with harsh words, some went as far as to call him derogatory names.

Jeongguk could hear almost every word from the tables close to them, they just couldn't keep their mouth shut and talk quiet. His anger took the best of him and he slammed his fist on the fake granite table top catching the attention of all who sat close to him.

Jin glanced at Jeongguk wearily who turned away, his thought consumed with guilt for listening to his father. If he talked to Taehyung during class he could have stopped this whole problem from happening. He blamed himself.

"... I don't understand. He was.. He was Taehyung when I talked to him in second.. " Jeongguk turned his attention to the conversation between the three friends of Taehyung. They mentioned such things as Taehyung developed into a different person which was completely impossible.

"He talked so happily about sharing his next class with-" His eyes shot open wide in realization. Eerily his head turned till his eyes were fixated on the boy Taehyung talked not stop about that morning. "Jeongguk." His ice glare shot daggers at Jeongguk, "Taehyung was so happy this morning.. What did you do? Did you do something? "Jin pushed his tray aside and stood up hastily in anger. Taehyung meant so much to him, he hated when Tae formed a bond with others because the possibility of him getting hurt was huge.

" I haven't talked to him at all today. Why would I do something to him?! I just met him yesterday. All I know is that he got upset and is acting completely different, you guys won't even tell me what's wrong with him!" The raven haired boy's ears turned red as his anger grew. He felt offended that Jin accused him of hurting the fragile Taehyung he so wanted to protect.

"You all are talking as if he isn't Taehyung at all! He's your friend, should you even be talking like that? You accuse me falsely, maybe it was you who hurt his feelings and caused him to cry. " Jeongguk yelled, the whole lunchroom quiet again as the scene in front of them unfolded before their eyes.

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