Chapter 46: Pain

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The bright white walls were suffocating. As Taehyung sat with his eyes fixated on the plain, undecorated wall he felt claustrophobic. This room was all too familiar for him and he knew what was expected. The longer he sat, the more the walls closed in on him until his whole mind would explode bringing back all the memories he never wanted to see again.

Taehyung and Jeongguk sat across from Doctor Jung, who had his pencil out waiting to scribble down some thoughts. Thirty minutes had passed, Taehyung refused to say a single world. A mantra of questions had been asked and each was met with a silent reply causing deep frustration and thick tension.

"Taehyung-ah, you have to talk to me. Yesterday was a huge set back. " Chaeyeon called Doctor Jung early this morning pleading for an appointment. His schedule was fully booked, but after she explained the situation he made some changes and secured two hours for Taehyung.

Jeongguk exhaled softly as he took a glimpse of Taehyung. The boy's eye lids were bloated, closing his eyes to the point he could only see blurry figures. His nose and cheeks were rubbed raw, the skin discoloured to blotchy red patches. Not only was it possible to tell by his face that his night turned out to be rough, looking at his hands there were nails marks deep into the skin of his palm where he had his fingers embedded so tightly into fists.

Jeongguk ached to hold his hand so badly, his hesitation stopped him from doing so. Earlier that morning Jeongguk went to hug him and taehyung flinched back. Of course he wanted to take it personally, but he couldn't. Taehyung also flinched when his mother reached her hand out to brush his hair back.

"Taehyung, good morning.. " Chaeyeon spoke softly as Taehyung entered the living room with his pajamas messily covering his body. He stopped in the entrance way and eyed the whole family who occupied the room staring at him with concern, even Seo Yoon among them. One glance at the man who ruined his life and his body began shaking uncontrollably in terror. Thankfully Jeongguk stood behind him in that moment, if not he would have felt so helpless and last night's history would repeat itself.

"I.. I called Doctor Jung. You have an appointment. "

Taehyung stared at his mother in disbelief. She promised not to make a call unless he offered to go on his own.

"N-n-no.. I don't.. I don't want to go. " He said hoarsely.

"I'm sorry, son. This time it had to be our decision for you to go. " Beom Seok chimed in with a disheartening look. Taehyung wouldn't allow himself to argue with his parents, if so he could end up in another not so good position.

He nodded solemnly and his mother smiled half heartedly, walking to him. She breathed deeply and held her hand out to remove his bangs from his eyes. Taehyung flinched back and held his hands up to shield himself, terrified of her. He didn't mean to be, this was a defence reflex, something he might never have a chance to live without.

Upon Chaeyeon bursting into tears again, the room filled out with people. Taehyung, alone with Jeongguk now, turned to him and gave him pleading eyes,

"C-can you.. Go w-with me? " Jeongguk saw the unease flash in his eyes and he nodded. After last night Taehyung would refuse to let him leave his side.

"I will. I won't let you go.. through with this alone. "

"I.. I-i.. " Taehyung sputtered and bit his bottom up, his head throbbing with excruciating pain.

"I.. I d-don't know.. W-what ha-ppened. I.. I remembered.. I remembered m-my childhood.. " He finally tore his gaze away from the wall and it landed on Doctor Jung who watched him surprisingly.

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