Chapter 15: Nobody

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Jeongguk had an anything but wonderful night, but as soon as he saw the angelic looking boy walking in third period with that jacket, he gave him a week ago, wrapped around his small frame all of his worries and current problems disappeared. 

Taehyung took his seat next to Jeongguk and he noticed the constant glances and subtle smirks the raven haired boy was giving him. In return he squinted his eyes playfully glared at him. He pointed his index finger at his face to get his full attention then moved his finger so it was pointing down at the papers on his desk while mouthing 'focus'. 

Jeongguk could only laugh at the cute action made by Taehyung. He shook his head in amusement, and just to please him he took his eyes off of the beautiful sight and put them on the paper, that explained their upcoming field trip, in front of him. 

Yoongi sat in the corner desk on the other side of the room watching his best friend interact with Taehyung. His mouth was slightly ajar as he witnessed something he had never seen before.

Something must have happened last night for them to act this way.. 

"Alright, class! I've looked at your room requests and some of them we can do.. " Sunbaenim Ah Ra looked at a couple of girls in the class then glanced in Jeongguk's direction, "some of them.. I will not accept." 

"I will have the rooms posted on the board by Monday and your field trip forms will be sent out this Friday for your parents to sign. They will need to be turned in next Thursday. As you know Thursday night is also the night of our first basketball game-" She was interrupted by the whole class cheering and shouting, throwing fists in the air while yelling for the two basketball players present in their class: Yoongi, and Jeongguk. 

"Yes.. Yes, " She clapped along with her students for a quick second, "we'll have time to cheer them on later, right now we need to start class. " While she quieted the class down, Taehyung took the time to turn and clap quietly and do a small cheer for jeongguk, who instantly became soft at the sight of Taehyung. 

"... The papers in front explain our exact itinerary and it will be followed.. Will not have you running around and getting into trouble.. " The rest of the class went on with her talking about what they will experience when they leave next week. 

When the bell rang to end class, an eruption of quiet cheers echoed throughout the room, if the class held on for any longer almost all students would have fallen asleep. 

Jeongguk waited for Taehyung outside of the room just like yesterday, except yoongi stood with him this time. When Taehyung walked out the door, he was greeted by both boys and a little piece inside of him was happy that he a couple of new friends in his life. They saw the way he acted a week ago and still they were speaking to him, without mentioning what happened and not knowing the reason behind. 

The rest of the day went on normally, Jin had finally calmed down and talked a bit with Taehyung at lunch. He saw a small change in the way Taehyung acted, he looked to be more happy, and thought having Jeongguk and Yoongi around might not be as bad as he originally thought. 

Now school had just ended and all students were in a hurry speeding down the hallways, knocking any and everyone out of their way just to exit the school building. Taehyung made a decision to stay back and wait outside of the gym for Jeongguk. He had promised to take him home, but the basketball team had a small emergency meet. 

"Hey, pretty boy! " A female voice called out to Taehyung. 

Taehyung looked around to find the source of the voice; he recognized the voice but he couldn't put a face to it. His eyes landed on a group of girls that just walked out of the changing rooms. At first he didn't think they were the ones calling to them, but he found out wrong when they began walking towards him. The more he looked, the clearer the face became. 

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