Chapter 49: Suffering

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"Taehyung, it's alright.. This is it. The last time you have to see him. " Beom seok squeezed his son's shoulders in support. Taehyung nodded and breathed in sharply as they followed the officer through the doorway that led to the screening room. Soo Won wouldn't be able to see them, the darkened pane of glass only allowed a person to see on the outside in. If you stood in the room inside the glass, looking at it felt like looking into a mirror. Soo Won would only be able to see himself. 

"Alright, Taehyung. I need you to tell me if this is the man who hurt you. " The officer asked and stared at Taehyung waiting for him to answer.

The boy hesitated. His heart raced, thumping hard against his chest. 

"It's okay, " he told himself, "just one last time. "  He gripped his dad's hand tightly for comfort as he brought his gaze from the floor up to the room where that man stood. His hair was a mess, sticking out all over the place, his face shadowed with facial hair as he had no time to shave. His whole appearance gave off a shabby, creepy feeling. His true colors were finally showing. 

"T-t-that's him.. " Taehyung pointed, his hand trembling. 

"Alright. Well make sure he's out where he belongs. Thank you. " The officer bowed to Taehyung. Taehyung, along with his father, returning the gesture. 

Taehyung sat in his third period class going over the details from the morning once again. He couldn't refrain himself from reliving the scene. The teacher would start their lesson, or hand out a test paper, and his mind blanked on the material, immediately going back to thinking about the police station. 

"Taehyung? " Sunbaenim Ara pulled him out of his thoughts and he looked at her dumbfounded.

"Can you tell me where the punctuation placement goes? " She asked once more. 

"I… " He tried to focus on the board. He could feel eyes boring into him and it was distracting, he couldn't think. 

"I.. I.. "

"It's okay, what about you Jackson? " Taehyung sighed and buried his head into his arms, completely embarrassed. Yoongi who sat behind him patted his back to get his attention and held his thumbs up. 

"Jjang! " He whisper yelled and Taehyung rolled his eyes at the sarcastic remark. 

Taehyung spent the whole day out of it. He failed a math quiz, but with his condition the teacher offered to let him retake it on Friday. He had been sent to the principal office several times for not paying attention. Thankfully his mother had informed Principal Lee about the situation and he was allowed to stay in his office if needed. 

"I just want to go home. " He mumbled to himself as he exited the office I to the hallway full of peers. 

"Taehyung! " A oddly familiar voice called and he looked up.

Baby, no. I'm not hurting you, I love you.”

Taehyung hissed at the stabbing pain shooting through his brain. He dropped his books and pressed the palm of his hands to his head. 

“... Why don't you just listen to me? Give me what you owe me. You refuse me.. “

"Aghh.. " He moaned in pain and shut his eyes tightly. His body felt heavy and he lost his balance, too dizzy to remain in a stable position. 

“Is it them? I see the way they look at you in school, those boys.. Minho, Taemin.. Is that why you refuse me!”

"Why.. " His breathing deepend and slowed down, the air wouldn't fill his lungs enough. Suffocation. 

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