Chapter 40: Tonight

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Taehyung awoke early the next morning to the smell of eggs and toast, he hoped his mother had also made the egg rolls. Just that thought alone had him jumping out of bed and running down the stairs. He had moved so quick down the stairs that when he got to the bottom one he almost slipped but the creepy man was in front of him to catch. 

Taehyung pushed the man's arms away and gave him a side glance before entering the kitchen where his mother and aunt worked quickly to prepare the food before the kids went to school. 

"Eomma." Taehyung smiled and went to sit at the far end of the eating table, "did you make rolled eggs?" He asked hopefully and she sighed, she knew she was forgetting something. 

"Not this morning baby, tomorrow I will, I promise. " Taehyung pouted and drastically threw his arms out in fake frustration. 

"But eomma.. " He whined and she gave him a warning look. Taehyung smiled and rested his head over his arms as he watched the two cook. 

"Tonight.. Oh uhm, Tae could you ask Jeongguk and his parents to eat with us? We haven't fully met him and his family and with the house full it would be a good time to have a family reunion type of thing. " Chaeyeon asked her son just as Seo Yoon entered the kitchen already dressed for school unlike Tae. 

"Family what what? " She asked and sat on the far side away from Tae. 

"I asked Tae to bring his boyfriend and his family over. " Chaeyeon said once again and turned around to glare at her daughter making sure she made no hate comment like usual. 

"Ah.. Jeongguk. " She smiled and Taehyung rolled his eyes. 

"No need to smile about it, he's not coming here for you. "

"Taehyung." His mother said angrily, "just because we get onto her for saying things doesn't mean it's okay for you to start something. " He sighed and hid his face into his arms. He hated seeing how happy his sister got whenever Jeongguk's name was mentioned. She had a little bit of a crush on him just like most of the cheerleaders she hung around and it bothered Tae, but of course his mother didn't realize that. 

"Breakfast is ready! " Chaeryeon, their aunt, yelled into the living room where the men we're currently sitting. Taecyeon and Beom Seok entered together with Soo Won, the family friend, trailing behind. 

Taehyung's eyes fell on Soo Won as he entered and immediately walked over to take the empty chair next to him. His stomach churned in disgust. 

"I'm not hungry.." Taehyung excused himself from the table without giving his mother any sort of explanation even though she demanded for one. He left the kitchen in a hurry then headed for his room to get dressed for school. 

After getting fully dressed and ready to head out Taehyung had to sneak by his mother. If he had one single run in with her she would fire him with all different types of questions and he would never make it to school on time. 

Just asTaehyung stepped outside he saw his familiar ride pull up to the front of his home and he ran to get in the passenger seat, it was only a matter of time till his mother came  running out after hearing the loud motor of his boyfriend's car. 

"You okay..? " Jeongguk asked, amused. 

"Drive. Move. Go. Make a run for it.. Step on it. " Taehyung yelled in a frenzy and he even went as far as to shove Jeongguk in the shoulder to get him going. 

"Yahhh.. You're demanding today. This early?" He laughed and pushed on the gas to get the car running, much to Taehyung's relief. From the corner of his eyes he could see Tae glancing back and forth as if he was worried someone would follow him from his home. 

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