Chapter 38: Unwanted Guests

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The atmosphere was nice outside. Of course it was still a bit chilly but the sun shone bright and warmed up the place. Hyun Tae sat outside bundled up in a puffy blue jacket with a scarf wrapped around his head and a hat coming just below his ears to prevent them from the cold breeze. 

His mother stood in the kitchen watching him as she washed the dishes. Her attitude had changed over the last couple of days and she regained her strength and was no longer frustrated, at least for the time being. Her and her husband had a long talk that night after their children went to bed. She was reminded that this happened to be a very delicate situation and they could not let their anger and frustration get in the way of the process. 

Chayeon glances away only for a moment and when her eyes landed back on Tae outside she noticed another boy stand in across the street. 

Wait a minute.. 

That wasn't just some boy, it was the boy they were trying hard to protect their son from. 

When did he get out of the mental institution? 

She threw her rag down quickly and sped walked outside to her son who was oblivious to the whole situation as he played with his plushies on the nicely laid grass. Do Ji Han noticed her coming out fast and he grumbled to himself, the all black disguise was useless if she could recognize him that easily. He turned around and dashed away before Chayeon could speak a single word to him. 

She put her hand on her forehead and mumbled a few inappropriate words under her breath. 

"M-mommy? " She turned to look at Tae who was now standing behind her with a questionable stare, "why.. you here?.. like that. " He asked. 

"I.. No reason, go back and play with your toys okay? " She said and gave him an Innocent smile. He nodded and did as she was told. 

As she walked back inside all she could think about was how he found them. They tried so hard to make sure their information would be kept confidential to prevent this from happening. 

The dishes were almost finished when she stopped what she was doing because she came to understand that maybe the altercation at school had something to do with that terrible boy arriving. 

It only took a few minutes on the phone with the school for her to realize that her thoughts were. more than likely to be true. They weren't allowed to give student information as it was confidential but the principal understood the situation after she explained to him why they had moved to Seoul in the first place. 

"He transferred here a couple of weeks ago. He hasn't been any trouble to us therefore we have no reason to punishment as this is just speculation-"

"Speculation? You're telling me.. That right after he moved Taehyung all of a sudden gets pushed around and gets sent to the hospital? It's speculation after me explaining he hurt my son and that's why we moved here? " She said angrily. 

"... Yes. I'm sorry, I know it must be frustrating to hear that but it's your words on his and with no witnesses I can't help you. All I can do is tell you to talk to your son and to avoid him at all times if you think that's the course. " Principal Lee said. 

Chayeon hung up the phone. His words angered her. Her son had been going to school for the last couple of years without a single problem and his ex shows up and all of a sudden he's being sent to the hospital. 

She entered the kitchen to finish the dishes and when she looked out to check in her son he was no longer there. She was about to get worried until she heard a loud bang followed by an angry looking Tae entering the house. 

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