Chapter 32: I'm With You (M)

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The entire ride home Taehyung listened to his mother complain and scolded him saying how worried she had breen and naming all of the consequences that came with him driving. 

Of course he knew, but he wasn't in control.. 

"This is why you don't drive Taehyung. Because you never know when you will have an episode. How the hell did you even get the keys? Why would you even think about driving like that..and that far? " 

He finally had enough of her yelling at him for something he couldn't control. 

"Stop it! Stop it! I wasn't in control. You should know me better than that mom.. I wouldn't get up and take the keys and leave.. " 

"Then who did it huh? HyunTae is too young to take control of the keys, and your new alter.. We don't know much about her yet. " Chayeon continued driving eyes kept on the road, but he could see enough in her expression to know what she was doing. She was using his disorder against him the wrong way. 

"Because I have more than just those two! I might not know anything about him yet but I know he's there. " 

"Don't be lying to me to get out of trouble, Taehyung. We put you on new medicine to help keep your episodes down, and your therapy helps too. " She couldn't believe her son would bring up a new alter to get out of trouble. 

"... " Taehyung had so much to say but his mom completely rendered him speechless. 

"I can't believe.. You would talk to me like that. " He felt so low, lower than he felt in all of his years having to deal with his mental health. He wanted to curl up in a ball and roll away from this conversation with his mom, but first he had a few things to say to her. 

"I told you my medicine wasn't working this morning, I told you I was hurting.. sick, not feeling well and you pushed it off saying I need to wait. I have waited a whole week and it's not working. If you don't talk to the doctor and let him know to put me back on my old medicine, I'll do it myself. "

Luckily as Taehyung finished his speech they pulled into the driveway of their home. Without a single look to his mom Taehyung fumbled with the door handle, his hand shaking from anger, until he was able to get out. His mother tried to talk to him but he refused any conversation so off she headed in leaving Taehyung outside to wait for Jeongguk alone.

Every minute that passed Taehyung lost a little bit of hope that Jeongguk would show up. 

What if he lied to me to get me to go home.. 

What if he doesn't come

He might think I'm crazy.. 

Before the doubt could fully take over his mind Jeongguk's car pulled up against the curb and he hurriedly climbed out of his car and ran to reach Taehyung as soon as he could, embracing him the moment he was close enough for his arms to wrap his waist. 

"I'm sorry I was a little behind.. " He mumbled against the top of his head. 

"It doesn't matter, what matters is that you're here now.. " Taehyung replied, suddenly feeling less upset and stressed being in Gukkie's arms.

Taehyung decided not to waste any time and brought Jeongguk in after their little short embrace. He could see his mother and father talking in the kitchen discussing in hushed tones. Hearing his mother's voice he clenched Jeongguk's hand. 

Alarmed by the sudden tight hold Taehyung had on his hand, Jeongguk pulled the boy close and used his finger to tilt his chin back till they were face to face. 

"Baby? " He asked softly. 

Taehyung just shook his head and led him upstairs. They reached Tae's room and both boys sat on the bed like every other time, except this time the atmosphere was thick with tension. 

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