Chapter 10: Switching

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HyunTae woke up bright and early Saturday morning. The sun shining through the window had him jumping out of bed and running down the stairs to reach the hallway where his parents bedroom was located. He threw the door open with force and took a run and go, jumping on the bed

"Mommy! Dad! Wake up." He shouted as he continuously jumped at the bottom of the bed.

"Taehy- Tae, what are you doing? " His mother asked sleepily, taking her time in sitting up on the bed. Instead of moving at all, BeomSeok took a pillow and pulled it over his head, covering his ears to weaken the loud noise but the bed shaking was still a problem. In annoyance he sat up groggily.

"Tae, stop jumping on the bed, it's early in the morning." He said sternly. In Tae's current state of mind BeomSeok knew he would have to do the parenting thing over, which is why he sternly told his son he needed to stop. He would have to learn over the things he could and couldn't do again.

"S-s-sorry.. Im- 'm happy this morning.. And hungry.. " He said in a pout and rubbed his tummy.

"Ah alright, let mommy get up and get dressed and we'll make something good to eat okay. " His mother responded, now fully awake.

HyunTae nodded eagerly and left the room clad in his pink and white striped pajamas. He ran to his room to grab his stuffed horse then headed into the kitchen. Excited for breakfast, he sat happily on one of the bar stools staring towards the fridge thinking about all of the things his mom would cook this morning for him.

While asking his hirsey what he would like to have to eat, Chaeyeon walked into the room full dressed in her casual day to day clothes. She opened the cabinets to find the seasonings she would need for the black beans, she loved to cook those in the morning, and for the omelettes.

"Eomma..w-where is appa? " HyunTae looked at his mother curiously.

"Don't worry baby, he's getting up. He also has to get your sister to see if she would like to eat with us. " She talked while making breakfast for them all, making sure to cut a piece of toast into a cartoon character for HyunTae, he loved when she would do that with his food.

At the mention of his sister Tae made a disapproving expression, angry still because of how she treated him a few nights ago.

Just as his mother was setting the table his father and sister both walked in completely dressed for the day. HyunTae noticed their clothes and glanced down at his, he giggled and looked back to his family.

"I'm still in my jammys. " The biggest box smile appeared on Tae's lips, he thought it was funny.

His mother just shook her head at his random comment and finished setting the table. His father buried his nose in the newspaper while sipping his coffee, and his sister ignored him like she had been the whole week since their fight.

HyunTae wanted to scream and cry about it, but each time a fit started his mother would shush him and tell him he had no reason to be mad at her anymore, it made him sad he didn't understand why his mother wasn't comforting him.

While in his thoughts he felt an excruciating pain flow from his for head to the back of his head. His hands were quick to his head to try and rub the pain away, it hurt and he was beginning to whine in discomfort. But with a blink of his eyes the pain was gone.

He looked around the room in confusion, wasn't he at school? He decided to push that thought from his head. Glancing down at his plate his nose scrunched up in disgust

"I don't like.. Beans. " He said and looked at his mother.

"Ta-Taehyung? " Chaeyeon's eyes should open wide and she looked at her son, was he okay? Was he finally back to himself?

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