Chapter 29: Turn On Me

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Taehyung stared at his sickly reflection in the mirror. His eyes were puffed up and red from him constantly crying. He tried calling Jeongguk multiple times but instead left voice messages since the call would ring twice then end. He even tried to call Yoongi but he wouldn't answer his phone. This resulted in him over thinking and being a complete mess. 

Taehyung trudged back into his room and laid down on the messy covers. It took him a few minutes until he located his phone under a pile of pillows he had thrown around in frustration. He noticed the flashing red button and was quick to open his phone only to be dissapointed with texts from Hoseok checking on him. 

"I thought it was gukkie.. " He mumbled and threw his phone somewhere across the room. 

Taehyung buried his head into his pillow and let out a scream, hoping to ease the pain he felt. He waited a few seconds but nothing happened, he still felt depressed. That feeling of uneasiness was still  circulating in the pit of his stomach and he couldn't deal with it. The anxiety was too much and he felt too stressed out. 

"Taehyung? " He heard a muffled voice on the other side of the door, "taehyung it's me.. Open up. " He could clearly recognize the voice now. It was none other than his mother. 

He stayed silent hoping she would go away but his plan failed when she started to bang on the door. 

Taehyung groaned loudly. He knew now that she wasn't going to give up on trying to enter his room somehow. He slowly sat up from his bed and headed towards his door so that he could open it. The second the door flew open from his hard tug his mom came stumbling into his room. 

He stared at her blankly waiting for her to explain why she wanted into his room so bad. 

"Taehyung, good morning baby..did you sleep well? I can make breakfast if you'd like. " Taehyung's eyes shot wide when she mentioned breakfast. He looked over at the clock and saw that it was past nine in the morning, school had already begun.

"W-what about s-school.. why am I s-s-still home.. " He stuttered and ran to his closet to look for clothes. He had forgotten what time it was, even what day it was. School would be the only place he could run into Jeongguk and talk to him somehow. 

"Baby I called you in sick today. I asked if you could have the week off unless you change your mind. " His mother replied. 

"B-b.. B.. I need to talk to J-Jeongguk.. " He ran back out of his closet and looked at his mother with a distressed expression. 

"You can call him later and ask him over for dinner. I'm sure he won't miss you that bad. " 

"Mom you don't understa-" 

"That's the only answer you're getting from me. Now get dressed and come downstairs for breakfast. Then were headed to Doctor Jung's office." She didn't wait for her son to reply and left. 

Taehyung covered his face with his slim hands and screamed, again, out of anger and sorrow. He didn't want to go to the stupid therapy office today, he wanted to go to school because he had to fix things. 

Unwillingly Taehyung dressed himself in his lazy day wear, just some sweatpants and a plain black shirt with holes in it. Going out in public he knew he should have dressed a bit nicer, but he couldn't be in himself to care about anything besides ways to get in touch with his boyfriend. 

If they still are.. 

Thirty minutes after breakfast Taehyung found himself in the room he knew all too well. Doctor Jung tried to start a nice conversation at first but Taehyung wasn't having it. 

"Just get to the p-point, I come all the time..a-amd it's all t-t-the same just.. " He averted his gaze to the wall and chewed on his bottom lip out of embarrassment. 

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