Chapter 34: Attack

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The weekend passed by quickly. Jeongguk didn't have a chance to question Yoongi about why he was drunk and crying out Hoseok's name because he had left before Jeongguk woke up. The only explanation he could think of had been Yoongi was embarrassed for being drunk and coming over, or either he remembered everything he said in his drunk state. 

Jeongguk entered the school building with a tired, half asleep Taehyung behind him. Tae asked Jeongguk to pick him up this morning. He had a rough night last night and didn't get to sleep till about three am. It was hell trying to get Taehyung up, he almost slapped him twice. 

"Baby, you need to wake up a little more. " Jeongguk murmured to Taehyung as he pulled him close to his side, his arm draped around his tiny waist as they walked through the semi crowded hallways. 

" 'm tired, gukkie.. " Taehyung said lazily. He clutched his backpack with his right hand and wrapped his free arm around Jeongguk's waist, gripping his shirt tightly with that hand. 

Taehyung had a horrible weekend. After Jeongguk went home he went downstairs to talk with his parents and not once did they give him a chance to explain. They yelled at him for making them worry, grounded him for taking the car like that knowing he isn't supposed to drive, and of course like he thought his mother refused to believe his true story of him not being in control. 

He spent the night crying in his bed. His parents being angry from being so scared kept them from believing his truth and it hurts him really bad. Thankfully Taehyung had Jeongguk to call and text, it was the only thing that got him through the weekend. 

"Taehyungie! " He knew that voice anywhere. He let go of Jeongguk and half jogged over to the person who called his name. 

"Jiminie! " He threw his arms around his best friend and they hugged tightly. 

"Wow, he woke up for Jimin and not for me." Jeongguk said quietly only for himself to hear and huffed

"I missed you so much. " Jimin had been bored to death without Taehyung at school. Lunch wasn't the same, more tense with only him, Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok. 

"I missed you too chim.. Where is Hoseok hyung? And Jin hyung? " Taehyung asked and Jeongguk finally caught up with the two. 

"Hoseok.. I don't know, he was acting weird Friday.. I texted him and he never answered me and Jin hyung is with Namjoon, they've been really close.. " Jimin said, a knowing expression taken over his place as he mentioned the closeness. 

"I actually think there is something going on between them.. "

"Joonie and Jin.. " Jeongguk gasped, "I knew it. " 

"What do you mean you knew it? " Taehyung turned around to him and glared at him, "and you didn't tell me?? " He slapped Jeongguk's chest playfully. 

"No baby it was just an assumption. " Jeongguk chuckled. 

The bell rang signaling for students to get to class. Jeongguk took Tae's soft hand in his own and walked him to his class. He would be late since his class is on the other side of the building, but it's worth it to make sure his boyfriend gets to class safe. 

"I'll see you after class baby. " Jeongguk kissed Tae's head softly. 

"You're on the other side gukkie, just meet me in third.. "

"It's fine, I'll leave early to make it to you in time. Go baby. " Taehyung grumbled and went on into class, it would be pointless to stand and argue with Jeongguk. 

Stubborn ass.

Taehyung sat at his desk and waited for the second bell to sing to start dreaded history class. 

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