Chapter 24: Welcome Home

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"Kim Taehyung!" Chaeyeon yelled and crossed her arms. A sleepy Taehyung walked downstairs rubbing his eyes with his fists. He had just woken up and apparently he made too much noise because his mother heard him. 

"What is it? I'm tired, the bus took longer to get back.. " He mumbled tiredly and sat down on one of the kitchen chairs. 

"I was so worried about you. I tried to call you after you told me you forgot your medicine and you never answered me." She scolded and sat across from him, "you should have let me know you were okay and what was going on. " Her anger turned into concern. 

"I thought something might have happened.. " She whispered. 

Taehyung sighed, upset that he made his mother worry herself to death. 

"I'm sorry, I just.. "

"No apologies Taehyung.Give me your phone." She said, her sternness back.

Seo Yoon was standing behind the wall listening in on her brother and mother's conversation. She snickered upon hearing her scold and take away his phone. Seeing her brother in trouble gave her joy now days.  

Taehyung wanted to protest but he knew better. He took his phone out of his pajama pants pocket and handed it over. He didn't feel like talking to her anymore, he was annoyed that she would take his only way of communication away from him. 

Without a word he walked upstairs to his room and tugged on some random clothes he found in the floor. His final appearance was black leggings bunched up around his ankles, white adidas, a long sleeved thin white shirt that came to his mid thighs and the jacket Jeongguk gave him a few weeks ago. 

He ran his fingers through his hair as he looked in the mirror. His face looked pale, but he was in no mood to fix up his appearance. Taehyung took his backpack and headed out the door, not glancing into the kitchen where the other three members of the household now sat.

It took awhile for Taehyung to reach school. His annoyed and depressed mood had a lot to do with the slow pace he walked. 

Stepping into the school Taehyung saw his friend Hoseok waiting by the door. He smiled and skipped over to him, his bad morning fading from his mind. 

"Hosokie." Taehyung said happily. 

"Somebody looks overly happy." 

"I missed you. " Taehyung shrugged, then froze at the remembrance of yesterday. He had been so tired from the trip and annoyed by his mother that he completely forgot about him and Jeongguk. 

"Actually.. There is something else.. " Taehyung had to bite his bottom lip to keep his smile at bay. 

Hoseok looked to Taehyung, fully interested now. 

"On the trip we stayed in fours. It was me, Jeongguk, Yoongi and Namjoon.. Actually Namjoon probably will sit with us at lunch. You'll love him.. " He said, getting off topic. 

"I saw some old friends there, it was weird-" 

"Hey guys. " Jimin said, interrupting Taehyung. 

"Shh, Tae's telling about his trip. " Hoseok said and Jimin nodded. 

"As I was saying, met some old friends.. Then we went back to the hotel later and I went swimming with Jeongguk.. We almost kissed.. " Hoseok gasped and Jimin covered his mouth, a little too dramatically. 

"Then the next day after we looked at the last museum we went to the park he told me he liked me and.. I like him and we kissed.. And he confessed and I confessed.. we're together.." Taehyung couldn't help but smile and his two friends shared his joy with him. Almost instantly they started asking a bunch of questions: if Jeongguk was a good kisser, did he feel sparks, did they do more.. 

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