Chapter 11: Worried

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a/n: I would love if y'all left me some feedback and let me know how you feel, if you're enjoying my story. Read well!


"Pull over. I feel bad if he walks that bag looks heavy. " Hoseok complied with Taehyung's demand and pulled over, catching Yoongi's attention.

"Hey uh..Y-you want a ride? " Taehyung immediately became shy realizing he initiated a conversation with someone he wasn't well known with.

Yoongi stood there and stared blankly at the two boys seated inside the car. He wondered if this was some sort of prank for the way he treated Taehyung the last time he saw him, but in the back of his mind he knew their intentions were not bad.

"Get in. " Hoseok finally spoke since it looked like Yoongi would be debating on what to do for the next hour.

One look at Hoseok's serious expression and Yoongi was scrambling into the back seat. He wouldn't mention it, but the relief he felt not having to walk home was great.

"Hey, Taehyung.. " He inhaled a sharp breath to prepare for his apology, '' I'm sorry about earlier this week. When I called you stupid.. It was wrong of me to say. " Taehyung's eyed shot wide open and he gave a sideways glance to Hoseok who was quickly glancing back and forth from the road to Taehyung in slight panic.

Tae had no recollection of the black haired boy saying such a thing to him, he was flabbergasted and at a loss for words. He couldn't mention his condition to Yoongi, he knew that. Although most of the school saw the way he acted the other day, he guessed, he couldn't let the full truth come out to anyone he didn't fully trust.

"It's.. I-It's okay I forgive you. " He said quietly and clasped his hands together fiddling around with his fingers now that he felt uncomfortable.

The tension grew in the car and all three boys stayed silent, except the occasional talk about how to get to Yoongi's apartment.

Ten minutes later they were parked out in front of a huge building filled with upstairs and downstairs apartments, it looked very eloquent.

"Thanks for the ride, I just left basketball practice and it was rough because of our teammates. Especially Jeongguk. Damn boy couldn't focus." Yoongi said, grateful they actually stopped, he didn't think he would make it home until dark.

He took his bag and stepped out of the car, but not before saying, "speaking of him..Jeongguk has been worried about you Taehyung. He tried to see if you were okay the past few days. I thought you should know.. More people care about you now, Taehyung. I also hope you're doing fine. " He didn't wait for a reply and quickly removed himself far away from the car.

Taehyung stared out the window watching the retreating boy, his mind trying it's best to process the information he now was knowledgeable of and the mixed feelings he received off of it.

Jeongguk has been thinking of me?

Deep down inside he felt a flurry of butterflies circling his stomach. Without realizing it he was smiling, luckily not enough for his best friend to notice.

The rest of the journey to the mall Taehyung sat quietly getting lost in his thoughts. He hated how he couldn't remember the last time he talked to Jeongguk. He remembered him offering a ride to him, that was it; but he felt there was something else that happened, thinking in depth about it was giving him a headache.

The mall came into view and Taehyung smiled, it had been months since he had seen the large building and roamed it's inside stores. To say he was excited was a complete understatement.

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