Chapter 1: Two Years Away

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The bright white walls and the freshly clean white floor gave Taehyung the feeling of being in a hospital, a place he has hated with the passion for the last two years.

The lobby of Jung Therapy held many families, a little too many for Taehyung's liking and he clutched his stomach as it churned. Immediately his thoughts blamed the feeling on an anxiety or panic attack that was brewing to overtake his mind at any given moment. This was something he dealt with every time he stepped into the building.

He would walk through the open, translucent glass door and instantly see a family or two with their children, all of whom didn't experience any illness as severe as his. Each time the door would ding for his arrival a mom or dad would look towards him. It felt as if they were judging him for being different, for having something that was once considered so rare. All the constant glances triggered everything but positive thoughts, preventing him from making any progress in his mental health.

Just as any other day, Taehyung had gotten his mother to drop him off; and just like always, she refused to leave him alone. Her son was more than important to her, and she has made sure to take exceptional care of him since the day he got hurt unbelievably.

She was a beautiful woman. Short black hair that layered from back to front. A nose that accentuated her perfect facial features and beautiful tan glowing skin. Having Taehyung and his mother stand side by side, anyone could immediately see they were related. He received most of his facial features from his mom, and a sharp jawline from his father. Taehyung was handsome, but his personality did not match his looks as it once had.

Before his thoughts became too obsessive, the bulky white door opened allowing a man with brown rimmed glasses and a white coat to come into view, Sangyeon-ssi.

"Taehyung, are you ready? "he asked with a smile. Although he looked intimidating, he spoke very softly. Just a simple greeting by this man and any person would suddenly feel as if they could trust him with their whole life story. As a therapist it is his job to lure his patients into being comfortable speaking with him.

Taehyung stood up without a single word or glance to anyone and shuffled his way to the door, his feet creating a light thud as he stepped across the tile floor.

He took his place across the large wooden desk, the brown oak littered with various files and blank sheets of paper. For months he has been sitting in this very office, for months doctor Jung would ask the same questions. The reason for him repeating himself each time is that Taehyung would shield himself away, locking himself in his own mind. He wouldn't speak or dare look at him. His eyes only focused on his lap. Fortunately, for Doctor Jung, the last session they had together Taehyung finally begun to speak and make progress.

"How are you doing today, Taehyung? "Doctor Jung asked after clearing his throat. His happy demeanor was saddened when he received no reply, but he did not let his smile falter.

"How are your thoughts? Have they gotten better, has anything...weird popped in your head lately, something you find odd? "He sat down slowly knowing any fast movement could trigger Taehyung. A soft sigh left his lips as he stared at his patient who sat quietly across from him tugging on the end of his shirt.

Doctor Jung knew this would be a slow process because Taehyung needed incredibly special treatment, he needed to be managed carefully; but, after these months and the progress made last week, he thought Taehyung was beginning to warm up to him and trust him.

"Not feeling like talking today. That's okay, we can sit here in silence. It's helpful to enjoy a quiet atmosphere at times "He spoke softly and gave the blond boy across from him a warming smile when he noticed his small glance towards him.

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