Chapter 42: Seven

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"Why are we going to Hoseok's house? We could have picked any other.. " Yoongi complained. Jeongguk had a thought to stop the vehicle and make him walk the rest of the way. 

"Because Taehyung said his house is nice. "

"But-" Jeongguk slammed on the brakes launching Yoongi forward. Thankfully his seatbelt saved him from crashing into the windshield. 

"Yahh!!! What was that for? " 

"You wouldn't shut up. " Jeongguk deadpanned. Yoongi scoffed and put his attention to the passenger window. The scenery flew by quickly as Jeongguk sped down the road irritating Yoongi that he couldn't see the beautiful trees and landscape mother nature provided, not that there was much anyway in the city. 

"Yo.. Think we're here. Isn't that Jimin's car? " Jeongguk asked, pulling up to the curb and parking. 

"You think so? " Yoongi replied sarcastically. 

Before the two could set foot on the doormat Hoseok threw the door open and ushered them in. 

"Shh.." He said quietly as he shut the door behind them. 

"What are we being quiet for?" Yoongi asked in his normal voice, earning a smack to the back of the head from Hoseok. 

"Taehyung and Jimin took off with the pillows.. " Hoseok's voiced softly in a hushed tone

"Soo..? " 

Before Hoseok could reply Jimin came running out of the kitchen and hopped over the sofa launching the pillow in the air at Hoseok who dodged the attack. 

The pillow smacked Yoongi right in the face and he grunted in fake annoyance. 

Taehyung came down from the stairs just in time to see Yoongi pick the pillow up and throw it at Jimin.  He doubled over laughing at the shock written across Jimin's face. He laughed so hard he forgot he had come down stairs to attack Jeongguk with the pillow. 

"Yah! Taehyung stop laughing or you're next.. " Jimin threatened. 

"No I'm not.. " Taehyung held up the pillow in front of his face showing he would be shielded from the attack. 

"Jimin.. You got no jams. " Namjoon shook his head as he emerged from the kitchen with a glass or juice. 

Jeongguk's eyes widened as he caught the sight of Namjoon's bare thighs, his short shorts exposing them. 

"...Thighs." Jeongguk muttered. The muscular thighs captivated his attention. Taehyung took notice and finally took the chance to throw his pillow hitting his boyfriend in the chest. 

"Hah! " Taehyung laughed. Jeongguk smirked and walked over to him. His demeanour caused Taehyung to take a few steps back, nervous for what was coming. 

"Taehyung.." Jeongguk's voice was slow, sending shivers down Taehyung's spine, "you shouldn't have done that." He reached his arms out before Taehyung had the chance to run away and pulled him in close, ticking his sides while pressed soft kisses all over his face. Taehyung's laugh was music to his ears. 

"Too much lovey dovey.. " Yoongi muttered and headed to the couch to sit next to Namjoon, "where's Jin? " 

"In the kitchen cooking.. He said we had to have good snacks and food if we wanted to have a good night. " 

Jeongguk, Taehyung, and Hoseok joined the others sitting on the couch. Jimin had the spot next to Taehyung and Jeongguk grumbled about it being unfair and sat on the floor in front of Taehyung, at least he could sit between his legs. 

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