Chapter 25: Encounter

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"We're having waffles for breakfast? " Taehyung asked happily. He did a small dance number in his chair causing his mother to laugh. Today they were on better terms than yesterday morning. After Taehyung arrived home him and his mother had a deep talk and as long as Taehyung promised not to worry her he wouldn't be punished any longer. He was able to retrieve his phone back and spent the later part of the night conversing with Jeongguk. 

"Someone looks very happy today," his mother said. Taehyung almost signed, his friends said the exact same thing yesterday morning. 

"I.. I actually am. " He smiled shyly and brought his fisted hand up to rest underneath his chin. 

"Does it have anything to do with your trip to Daegu? You still haven't told me about it yet. " She pouted. Taehyung laughed. 

"When dad gets in here.. " He was nervous to tell them about Jeongguk, but Jeongguk told his dad and Taehyung didn't want to hide their relationship from his family. 

Loud steps were heard stomping down the stairs, Beom Seok had arrived. 

"Morning son, " He nodded to Taehyung, "morning wife. " Beom Seok smiled and kissed Chaeyeon 's forehead. Taehyung rolled his eyes at their affection, but he couldn't help but also smile. He loved seeing his parents happy. 

"Taehyung is going to tell us about his weekend. " Chaeyeon said excitedly as she set the table full of food. Just as Taehyung was about to start his sister entered the room and joined them at the table, ignoring them all. 

"So.. I had a really good time. " Taehyung started off as he cut his waffle into small pieces, "the museums were great.. the first was history. I saw some old friends I guess? I couldn't remember them well but.. " Chaeyeon's eyes widened in worry, "I think Minho.. and Taemin were there names. " Chaeyeon let out a huge breath she was holding, she thought he meant he ran into Ji Han. 

"This guy from another class was rooming with us and he's now part of our group. Anyways.. The other two museums were great but the best part about it was that I got to spend time with Jeongguk.. " He smiled when he said his boyfriend's name. 

"Jeongguk was the boy you brought him before right? " Beom Seok asked, now very interested. 

"Yeah well.. We've been talking for a while I guess and our feelings are mutual so we decided we wanted to be together. " 

Chayeon grinned and glanced at her husband. They had been talking ever since that night Jeongguk stayed for dinner, they could see the passion they shared for each other. 

A fake laugh interrupted the happiness Taehyung shared with his parents. 

"You're kidding right? " Seo Yoon asked, "why would he go for someone like you?" she snickered. 

"Seo Yoon. " Chaeyeon said sternly. 

"Seo Yoon what? Mom he's a freak! Jeongguk would be much better off with a girl who can give him everything, not some fag." That was it. That's all Taehyung needed to hear. He stood up from his chair, the wood scraping against the laminated flooring. 

"Jeongguk would be better off with another girl? Or you? He's never said a single word to you and.. If I wasn't related to you by blood, I would never want to say anything to you either. " Taehyung's voice was cold, he felt no remorse for the words that just poured out of his mouth. He didn't care that his parent sat there and witnessed this, he didn't pay attention to their words refusing of his behavior, his anger had built up over the boiling point. 

 "I used to think you were the prettiest girl every, because you were my sister.. But beauty isn't on the outside, it's the inside. And you have one of the ugliest personalities I have ever seen. " Taehyung gave Seo Yoon an empty, hard stare before retreating up to his bed room to get ready for school. 

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