Chapter 39: Deja Vu

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"Do you.. Know what is bothering him? " Jimin asked Jeongguk in a hushed tone as they stood in the lunch line waiting to get their food. 

"No.. " He said slowly and glanced over at his boyfriend who currently sat alone with his head laid on the table, "I took him out the other day, he was a little distant the whole time." Jeongguk finished with a sad sigh. It was more than obvious that something had happened after their phone call, he was so happy and just like that he went to quiet and depressed. 

"Hmm.. wae.. " Jimin trailed off and got lost in his thoughts. It wasn't long before someone tapped him on the shoulder telling him to move. 

"M-mianhae.. " He said and the girl behind him, her name Jeongyeon, rolled her eyes and laughed. Jimin's frown turned into a pout and he turned around to catch up with Jeongguk and get their food

"Tae, baby here.. I brought you lunch. There wasn't anything good to choose from today, I just got pizza for you. " Taehyung shrugged and pushed the plate away from himself. 

"I'm not hungry today, but t-thank you.. " Taehyung said with his gaze fixated on the boring table. 

"No, look at me. " Jeongguk said and gently pulled Taehyung's chin up so he would have to look him in the eye. 

"Don't be like this, eat a little please? " Jeongguk pleaded. He wasn't upset that his boyfriend was keeping something from him, he knew Tae would explain when the time is right, but he wasn't going to let him starve himself. 

"I-I'm not h-h-hungry.. " Taehyung said softly and tried to look away from Jeongguk's burning gaze.

"Tae." He sighed and leaned over, after making sure not a single eye was on them, and pressed his lips close enough to Tae's ear and whispered, 

"Please, baby.. " He said and pressed his lips against his eyes, then his cheek, down to his neck, and lastly pressed his lips against his cheek once more letting them linger against his soft skin longer than he should have.

 When he pulled away he noticed the boy next to him had a complexion almost as red as a tomato. Without a single word Taehyung grabbed the pizza in his hand and took a small bite of it. Jeongguk laughed hearing him grumble in between bites. 

Suddenly something slammed against the table and all three boys who had been quietly eating jumped up and looked around with confusion. 

"A.. Ah.. Aish, we just got that.. " Jin said angrily and glared at Namjoon who had just broken a plastic trophy. 

"Sorry.. " He said sheepishly and stuck his hands in his pockets as he sat down. 

"He's always breaking things.. " Jin said and took the two pieces of the now broken trophy and stuffed it in his bag. 

"Hyung.." Taehyung stared at him with a blank expression, "you're..y-youre like the god of destruction or something.." He said and everyone at the table busted out in laughter, except for Namjoon who grumbled.

"Yah! Last night he came over and picked up my mom's precious vase. I took that from him so quick.. " Jin's windshield wiper laugh caused the others, except for Namjoon, to join in laughing. 

"I wasn't gonna drop it.. " He said softly and huffed. 

"No offence man, you almost broke our whole room in Daegu.. " Yoongi said and patted Joon's back

"That's right.. " Jeongguk added on. For the rest of lunch the mood was lightened with funny conversations about Namjoon breaking things and stories about everyone's day. Taehyung was able to forget about his problems, that was until lunch was over and he ran into Ji Han. 

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