Chapter 14: Unexpected Arrival

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"How is this possible! " Jeongguk exclaimed throwing the wii remote on the neatly made bed behind him. He was astonished, but more frustrated and angry. Taehyung had just won against him for the fifth time in a row. He chose the first two songs and Jeongguk declared that he had been cheating. The last three songs were chosen by Jeongguk and he still lost.

"It happened because I have skills. " Taehyung sang cheerfully and twirled around in a circle, "aaaand I'm the best." He stuck his tongue out at Jeongguk and fell backwards landing on his bed.

"Aish.. " Jeongguk ran his fingers through his hair tossing the soft black locks around. Taehyung happened to glance at him during his actions and his heart almost stopped beating. It felt like time stopped around him and each movement he witnessed was in slow motion.

Jeongguk's hand moved slowly through his hair and the little tug of frustration at the end had Taehyung sharply in taking a breath. He felt almost numb all over, as if his nerves began overreacting and he could no longer feel anything but fuzziness all over his body.

Jeongguk.. He's the most striking, handsome, attractive boy..

"Boys! " Taehyung's mom called interrupting his thoughts. He shook his head quickly and looked around hoping Jeongguk hadn't noticed anything off about him that last few minutes. To his luck he was still going on about how much of a tragedy it was that he lost.

Taehyung nudged him in the arm and tilted his head towards the door for him to go out first. For a second he thought that his mother's words didn't even reach Jeongguk because the boy looked so lost in his own world, then suddenly Jeongguk realized Tae's was waiting for him to go. He left the room with quick footsteps, ready to eat.

As they entered the kitchen an aroma of different smells filled the air and both boys became more hungry. Beomseok, Chaeyeon, and Seoyoon already sat at the table in their respective chairs, Taehyung and Jeongguk sat side by side in the vacant side of the full table.

"Japchae? " Taehyung clapped his hands in excitement and looked up at his mother with bright, happy eyes. She nodded at her son and gave him a smile as she fixed each person a plate of food.

Jeongguk heard the clapping noise and fixed his gaze towards the area of the sound. He could see the real smile on Taehyung's face and just the sight had him laughing in awe.

He must really love Japchae.

"Jeongguk is it?" Seo Yoon asked, leaning on the table with her fists tucked underneath her chin.

Jeongguk looked at her a little too long without speaking. She looked so familiar yet he couldn't think of anything he had seen her before.

"I'm a senior at out school. I've seen you around, especially when I'm with Ha Rin… " Taehyung's head shot up when he heard that name come out of his sister's mouth. He never knew she could be friends with such people, this just shows how much he really knows about his own flesh and blood.

"Oh.. Uh, cool. I'm not really associated with her, but I think I've seen you a couple of times. " Jeongguk replied uncomfortably.

"You aren't? Are you single then? " Chaeyeon cleared her throat and looked at her daughter with a hard stare.

"It's okay.. I am single, but I have my eyes on someone. " He said and quickly took an unnoticeable glance in Taehyung's direction.

"Why don't we have a more appropriate conversation for dinner? Jeongguk, how long have you lived in Seoul? " Beomseok asked hoping to completely change the direction of the conversation.

While conversation went on about Jeongguk and his studies in school, Taehyung had completely blanked out and was in his own thoughts.

Jeongguk already liked someone? Why should that make me feel upset..

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