Chapter 27: Flash

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"So you're saying you tried to grab a piece of paper and tripped over your shoes and fell on top of Yoongi.. ? " Taehyung eyes Hoseok suspiciously. The whole situation sounded like a thought out plan. 

"Yes. Honest Tae. I reached for it and fell and Yoongi was reaching out to grab me and save me.. " Hoseok had the most believing look etched into his features. 

"If you say so.. " Taehyung mumbled and threw an uneaten fry down onto his plate. 

"I feel like we're a little closer. " Hoseok said happily. Taehyung noticed Yoongi and Namjoon entering the lunch so he frantically waved his hand in front of Hoseok's face to shut him up. It didn't work. His next plan was to grab a fry and throw it at his face which shut him up just in time. Yoongi took a seat next to Hoseok followed by Namjoon on the other side of him. 

"What are you two talking about? " Namjoon asked. 


"Taehyung's date last night. " Hoseok replied and Taehyung rolled his eyes. 

"I heard the game was moved to friday.. Are you ready? " Taehyung changed the subject real quick. 

"Not sure. A lot of tension on the team, mainly between Guk and Chanyeol." Yoongi replied with an annoyed look. 

"Speaking of Jeongguk.. " 

Taehyung turned around just in time to see his boyfriend approaching Ha Rin who had just grabbed her lunch. 

Jeongguk skipped lunch line and headed straight for his target. Ha Rin hadn't come to school since the incident and he was itching to get back at her even if it wasn't doing what he originally wanted. He didn't care that she was a girl, she messed with his boy and he wasn't afraid to slap her, even more than that. But Taehyung had refused every plan he came up with. 

"Ha Rin. " Jeongguk said with no emotion. 

"Oh.. Jeongguk baby, I missed you. " She tried to act all sweet in front of her friends but on the inside she was a bit terrified.

"Baby? Missed me? " Jeongguk said confused, "when did I say it was okay for you to call me that? Why would you miss me when we don't talk. " 

He could hear her friends exchange questioning looks and remarks. Obviously Ha Rin had been spitting lies about the two creating an image that they were really together. How pathetic. 

"Because we're.. " 

Jeongguk didn't want to hear. He stepped forward and acted like he was tripping and stumbled into her causing her plate of heavily drenched salad to fall into her shirt ruining the expensive fabric. 

"Oh no, I'm so sorry.. " He stepped back with a fake apology, "I'll be more careful next time. "

Before he left, he leaned down to whisper something only for Ha Rin to here, 

"I suggest you be more careful too, Taehyung is my boyfriend and I better not hear or see you mess with him.. Or I'll be much worse next time. " Ha Rin could do nothing but stare in shock, astonished that he would treat her such a way for a boy and horrified that he had just ruined all of the lies she had put out to her friends. 

The lunch room was shocked at the interaction between Jeongguk and Ha Rin, but no more shocked than the table he was approaching. 

Taehyung couldn't believe his eyes. He had just witnessed the funniest thing ever, but he was still mad that Jeongguk went out and got revenge despite his displeasure. 

"Guk.. You really.. " Yoongi was laughing too hard to speak, Namjoon decided to speak up for him. 

"You really showed her, huh? " Was his casual response. 

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