Chapter 37: Lost Patience

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"Wh-who is she.. " Hyun Tae pointed to the person across the room who continuously stared at him weirdly. 

"Tae it's not okay to point. " His mother said sternly and patted his hand down. Hyun Tae frowed and crossed his arms. They had been waiting in the therapy lobby for about thirty minutes and for most of it Hyun Tae had thrown a huge fit, he didn't want to be there today. He wanted a nap and instead was brought here, they wouldn't even allow him to bring his horse plushy. 

"I wan-na go home! " Hyun Tae shouted and started to kick his feet against the ground. 

"Tae stop. You don't act like this in public. " Chaeyeon tried to reason with him. It has been a rough week. Since they left the hospital Hyun Tae has been fully active and there were no signs of Taehyung taking the light back anytime soon. Therapy was the only option for them to try and figure out exactly what happened. 

"I w-wanna nap! I want m-my toys. I wan- home. " He kept on and his mother huffed in frustration. 

"Hyun Tae-" 

"Excuse me.. Is this how you raise your children? Do you tell them it's okay to throw a fit as a young man? " The woman from across the room walked over with a look of annoyance. 

"No it is not. My son is different and I would appreciate it if you would not make assumptions without knowing the truth. " Chaeyeon said as politely as she could. The woman scoffed and rolled her eyes. She had more to say but the look Chaeyeon gave her scared her off. 

"S-some b-b-bitch.. " Hyun-Tae said loudly and his mother glared at him. 

"That is not a word you can say, Hyun Tae. You aren't old enough to speak like that, you know we ban words like that. " She was beyond frustrated at this point. Her foot started tapping the floor, the loud clinking of her heel against the laminated floor gave the room everything but peace and quiet, it even got them both a few angry stares. 

"Hyun-Tae, I'll see you now. " Doctor Jung opened the door to let the boy in and Tae shook his head refusing to get up from the chair. 

"N-no came here for the l-last five days want home, want nap, want stuffy." Hyun Tae crossed his arms and pouted. 

Chayeon had enough of his attitude and enough of his whining. 

She stood up and took one of his hands into her own and pulled him up, it was no kind of abuse she made sure she had him gently but firmly enough to actually get him up. 

"N-n-no! " He wailed and threw his arms around trying to get out of her grip. For a second Chaeyeon thought of calling Jeongguk to help her out but with him not knowing how to act in this situation she thought better of it. 


"We can schedule another day if you would like, we have to go about this differently because this isn't Taehyung right now, it's Hyun Tae and as much as the appearance gives that he is a teenager, his mind set is child like.." Doctor Jung trailed on with his reminder in a hushed tone so the waiting patients in the lobby couldn't hear. 

"I understand that, I'm just hoping that you could bring the truth out about what happened.. " Chaeyeon said desperately. 

"That is something I can't help with. All we can do right now is wait. " Doctor Jung left Chaeyeon frustrated, she didn't even say bye or give thanks to him before she drug Tae out of the lobby and towards the car. 

"This is too complicated.. " She glanced at Tae who was looking at his right smiling happily at a small red bird that sat on the street pole. 

"Mommy- biwd.. " He wanted to walk towards it but Chaeyeon ushered him into the car instead causing him to cry out once more. 

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