Chapter 2: New Things

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The blaring alarm clock woke Taehyung from his horrid nightmare. The recurring dream left him confused each time he experienced it. In the dream, he always stood in the middle of a pitch-black hallway screaming for help while an attacker stalked closer to him, a knife in hand. The only sound audible in his dream was his voice and the loud footsteps of the silhouette figure. Never once has he seen the face of the man or heard the voice of it.

After lying in bed for several minutes to regain his composure, Taehyung forced himself out of bed and into the bathroom to start his morning routine.

Back in Daegu Taehyung would pay special attention to his own self needs. His soft brown locks would be cut just at the nape of his neck accentuating his strong, thick neck. He would apply a soft amount of makeup around his big doe brown eyes to better define them. His appearance would radiate confidence and wellbeing.

His looks had completely changed after moving to Seoul, a change so severe he looked like a different person to anyone he previously knew. Taehyung had dyed his once brown hair into blond and let his locks grow until it created a mullet around the back of his neck. Instead of applying soft makeup he applied none, not having any motivation to beautify himself, as if his flawless skin needed it anyways. Around his eyes he applied a bit of darker brown shadow to deepen them, the look not as soft as it once was.

Once his morning routine was complete, he changed into some clean clothes, a pastel pink sweater that looked two sizes too big, and a pair of light washed semi-tight jeans with some black converse. Dressed and set, Taehyung left his house and began his walk to school.

Lately he had been skipping breakfast, having no appetite. It concerned his mother, but she had to be patient, so much that she watched him closely to make sure he ate at least half or a bit more of his normal daily calorie intake.

As soon as Taehyung stepped foot out of his door a cool breeze hit him, blowing through his soft locks of hair, and tossing them into a messy style. He welcomed the breeze with open arms. The air felt a bit cold against his exposed skin, nonetheless it felt amazing.

Entering the school building he was greeted with a very crowded hallway, kids throwing paper trying to find last night's homework, girls huddled in groups gossiping about the latest fashion or the newly single hot boys around the school, a typical school morning.

As he passed by the group of girls, he heard a name that stuck out to him the most, Jeongguk. The name sounded familiar, but Taehyung had never been in a class with a boy by that name. He decided to push it out of his mind, why would he worry about someone he never encountered before.

"Taehyung-ssi, I see you have arrived. Care to come to my office? "Principal Lee placed a hand on Taehyung's shoulder causing the boy to flinch, but it went unnoticed by the man.

" am I in trouble? I haven't been-"

"No, boy, you are one of my best students. I just need to see you about your grades. "Principal Lee chuckled at Taehyung's flustered state.

"My grades... They're low, I know, but I am trying to raise them. "Taehyung told Principal Lee as he led him into his office. Taehyung didn't have time to sit before the Principal gave him sudden news.

"To bring your grades up we need to drop you into a lower class. If you bring them up, you can also take a year end test of your current class that way you will stay in the same classes as your other mates next year. "The man clasped his hands into one another and laid them over his highly organized desk. "I know this is sudden, but I want to help. "

Taehyung took a couple of minutes to think over the solution to his dropping grades. He had many friends in his year and wanted to graduate with them, but if his grades continued to drop there would be no such luck. With that in mind, he looked towards the principal and gave him a nod.

"I want to graduate when I'm supposed to. If you think this would help, then... Then okay. "Principal Lee grinned so wide it scared Taehyung.

"Great, let me get Secretary Kim to look at the schedules really quick. "He stood up from his chair and walked through the wooden door to enter Secretary Kim's office. When the room was empty, Taehyung let out a much-needed deep breath and sat on the sofa across from the desk.

The conversation put a lot of pressure on Taehyung as he was not comfortable with socializing these days. He kept quiet around school, kept away from confrontations, and kept away from meeting new people as he did not want to be judged by how different he was from any and everybody.

Speaking with his principal was worse than with his therapist because at school, teachers pressured him to answer and talk even when he shook his head no. Being able to talk freely would comfort him. Without being forced he felt like he was respected, and he truly meant something to whoever was patient with him.

"Alright, here is your new schedule. We moved you down from math, your English language class seemed fine, so they stayed the same. "Taehyung blocked out any sounds around him, including the principals, as he read his schedule.

Kim Taehyung Junior year

1st period: The History of Korea

2nd period: English 2

3rd period: Korean Lit 1

4th period: Algebraic Connections

5th period (lunch included) : Biology 2

6th period; Physical Edu

7th period: Study period

Taehyung sighed, noticing at least half of his schedule had been changed. He would no longer share a class with Jimin but seeing his English and Biology classes caused a boxy smile to appear on his facial features. Hoseok shared Biology with him, and Jin had English, thank goodness he wouldn't be alone for the entire day.

His first two classes went by like a breeze. Sadly, Jin was not able to make it to school and texted him, right before the second period began, and explained that his family traveled back to Gwacheon for a family reunion and would be gone until the following day. The news saddened Taehyung a bit, but he wished his best friend to have great fun.

"Oh wae... "Taehyung mumbled as the bell signaling the start of the third period went off. His locker had jammed, and it took longer than expected to open it. Taehyung felt his stomach bubble with anxiety, he dreaded to be late to one of his new classes.

As he approached the class of songsaenim A Ra he could hear her voice booming inside of the classroom, she sounded irritated-not so much angry.

"Jeongguk... please. The homework I-" She looked at the now open door with annoyance, but her eyes softened as she saw the shy boy entering her classroom.

"Hi... I'm- this is my new class, I'm Taehyung. "He said softly. Walking a little way into the room he came to an abrupt stop, suddenly afraid or walking any farther as each teenage eye was on him.

"Ahh, Taehyung. Welcome to my class, I hope you will enjoy it. Uhh-" She looked around the room for an empty desk, spotting one beside the one and only Jeongguk. "Why don't you have a seat next to Jeongguk? He needs someone to keep him in line. "She joked as she motioned Taehyung towards the seat in the back corner.

Taehyung took a chance and glanced at the back of the room, his eyes landing on a pair that were staring right at him. The simple glance had Taehyung nervously shaking as he made his way to his seat.

As the distance between Jeongguk and Taehyung decreased, Taehyung felt a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. The feeling started off gradual but as soon as he was seated next to the boy it erupted like a frenzy of thousands and thousands of tingles circling around through his body. It was foreign to him; he couldn't understand why he was experiencing such a feeling. 

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