Chapter 16: Home Trouble

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After Jeongguk dropped Taehyung off he headed straight to his home. The whole drive there he couldn't stop thinking about the incident at school. Walking out of the gym and seeing his so called friends with Taehyung pinned against the wall, not to mention Ha Rin and her friends watching with evil smiles, had him so angry he could see red. 

Thank god Yoongi showed up to stop him, although he was going to give them a warning punch he didn't think after that hit he would be able to stop. They did such a horrible thing to his precious Taehyung. 

Speaking of Taehyung, something felt off about him. Jeongguk sat forever trying to get the attention of him, waving his hand in front of his face and loudly calling his name, and in return he received nothing besides a blank stare. When those big brown eyes of his finally made contact with Jeongguk's they looked confused as if he forgot where he was and what was going on. 

He was by himself for a couple of minutes, how could he have already forgotten what happened.. 

Taehyung's behavior worried Jeongguk, thinking about that he realized he basically knew nothing about him. He was unaware of his favorite color, food, pop singer. 

"I'll ask him if he wants to go out tomorrow night.." Jeongguk mumbled to himself as he drove. Tomorrow would be a Wednesday and a school night, but hopefully he would agree. He had the sudden urge to deepen their relationship, in no time he would learn everything about that intriguing boy. 

The whole way to his home Jeongguk felt like he was on autopilot. When he pulled into his driveway he was stunned, he hadn't even realized he was close to home. When he thought about it, he didn't even remember driving all the way home, his thoughts were too consumed with that boy. 

"Appa!" Jeongguk called when he entered his home. There was no immediate response to his shouting, if he hadn't seen both cars in front of the garage he wouldn't be so confused about his unanswered call. 

"Appa.. " He said again, looking into the living room then continuing his search in the kitchen, when he saw no sign of his dad he got worried. He couldn't be in his studies, his mother was also home, most likely with his father, and she nor Jeongguk were allowed in that room. 

As Jeongguk was about to head into the hallway to go up to his room he heard a loud booming laugh. His eyes landed on the back patio door and he saw his father and mother along with a couple more adults lounging by the pool. 

"Company at this hour? This is weird. " Jeongguk muttered to himself. He still had the choice to take himself to his room but his curiosity got the better of him. 

He walked out the doors and his father immediately noticed him and offered him a huge grin. He looked to be a little tipsy, red faced and happy. 

"Jeongguk welcome home! " Jae Ho announced and motioned for his son to come to the pool area, "we weren't expecting you home so soon. Come join. I'd like you to meet our guests. " 

Jeongguk looked towards the house and back at the pool. He was much annoyed that he satisfied his curious mind instead of moving to the confined space of his room. He walked his way towards the cement ground surrounding the pool and stood in front of the chairs of his parents. 

"This is Yoo ChangSoo owner of Yumin company and his wife Lee Ji Yi. We're looking to get our products into a chain of malls they own. " Jae Ho said proudly, "this is our son.. I'm hoping when he gets older he will take over the company. He seems like a great fit. " After the introduction the three introduced greeted each other with bows. 

"He looks like a ladies man. " Ji Yi said, glancing at her husband, "do you plan on arranging his marriage? " she continued, this time her eyes focused on the parents of Jeongguk. 

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