Chapter 26: Date Night

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"Where did you go yesterday? " Hoseok asked Taehyung as he sat down at their lab table. Taehyung had been extremely late, only catching the end of lunch. He made his weekly visit to his therapist. Doctor Jung had repeated the dangers of forgetting to take his medicine and tried to coax out Taehyung's every thought he had during his weekend trip causing the session to last a lot longer than normal. Not to mention after his mother wanted to take him out for lunch afterwards. 

"I had some things to deal with. " Hoseok nodded and let the silence surround them for a moment. 

"Tae.. " Taehyung turned all of his attention to his best friend noticing his voice sounded off, soft and vulnerable. 


"Hyung is everything okay? "

"I've.. I've been having some thoughts.. " He trailed off, not knowing where his speech was really going, "about..guys. One in particular. " Hoseok chewed on his lip nervously. 

"Hoseokie is.. are.. "

"I like Yoongi. More than a friend.. " Hoseok blurted out. 

Taehyung sat there shocked and concerned for his friend. He was surprised Hoseok had a thing for Yoongi, he had no idea he even swung that way. He couldn't imagine how his friend had been feeling the past few weeks, dealing with his new emotions and feelings he never knew he could have for someone of the same gender, having feelings for someone who never even have him the time of day at that. 

"Why did you not tell me? You know you can confide in me for any and everything. " Taehyung took Hoseok's hand in his and laced their fingers clasping his other hand on top of their laced fingers. 

"I didn't understand how I felt at first it was.. It was so confusing and I thought I just wanted to be friends, but every time I look at him I get happy in a weird way. " Hoseok confessed with a deep sigh, "when I noticed I could tell he had feelings for Jimin, he doesn't even converse with me really.. " Taehyung listened to him intently, nodding and replying in all the right spots. 

"Talk to him them. If he doesn't come to you, you go to him." Taehyung stated with a nod.

"Actually why don't you come over tonight and help me pick out what to wear for my.. date and we can talk more about it? " Taehyung blushed having mentioned his plans for that night. Jeongguk had met him when he arrived at school and walked him to class. Before Taehyung could walk in Jeongguk had took him by the hand and asked him to go on a date. It had caught Taehyung off guard and he had been a blushing mess ever since agreeing. 

"You're good at fashion though.. " Hoseok said and narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah, but my best friend needs me and it's more time to spend with you." 

" Okay, okay fine. Am I taking you home then? " Taehyung nodded. 

They class drug by really slow. The monotone voice of their biology teacher had Taehyung falling asleep if it wasn't for Hoseok slapping his shoulder every five minutes. It wouldn't be so bad if they were learning something exciting, today's topic was plants and their growth which didn't excite Taehyung at all. He loved to look at nature, not learn about it. 

The rest of the day passed by fairly normal. Taehyung kept glancing at the clock hoping time would speed up but he was without any luck. After what felt like days his wish for school school finally be over came true. 

"Are you excited? " Taehyung asked Hoseok as they clambered into Hoseok's Jeep.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? Are you nervous about tonight? " 

"Of course I am.. Anything can happen.. " Taehyung said with an underlying tone of fear. At any moment his mental state could change and in doing so that would reveal basically everything wrong with him. 

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