Chapter 5: Silent Plead

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Pitch black surrounded Taehyung, encircling him to the point of suffocation. He reached his arms out trying to get a feel of his surroundings, but nothing was there. He couldn't move, his feet felt like cement had been poured on them and he was set in place.

He opened his mouth to plead for help, but no words came out. Completely unaware of his thoughts and feelings besides terror, he sat in darkness fearful of his life.

He felt a weight being pushed on him and he slowly fell to the ground on his knees, still unable to move his feet. The cold and wet surface touched his skin and Taehyung coiled away hoping to remove the burning coldness from his exposed skin, even trying to pull his clothes over the bare area but nothing worked.

He glanced up hoping to see some light but instead his gaze landed on a figure darker than the pitch-black surrounding.

"W-who's there? "He said in a shaky voice, finally able to speak something.

The figure stalked towards him slowly. The once silent pitch-black area was now filled with loud footsteps and heavy breathing, from Taehyung.

"Who... Who a-re you...? "he asked again, hoping his voice to be filled with confidence and dominance, but it came out quieter than he expected.

The figure gave no reply and continued closing the distance between it and Taehyung, the boy becoming more frightened with each step the figure took.

Taehyung's frantic breathing filled the room as he tried to stand up to run away from this fear, but it was to no avail. Gravity defied his body, and he was still set in place like a stone.

"Help! He-... "He started to scream, panicking.

"Please! Help me! "He sobbed. Second by second, he felt more hopeless.

The figure closed in on him and his long skinny arms around Taehyung's waist and applied heavy pressure, squeezing him.

Taehyung, completely helpless, begged and pleaded for the figure to stop and to let him go. The figure ignored his request and increased the pressure causing Taehyung to scream in pain.

Taehyung awoke with a scream, cold sweat covering his body. He brought his hands to his face and could feel the fresh tears sliding down his cheeks. He sighed heavily and wiped away the tears before sitting up with his back leaning against the headboard.

Quick steps could be heard down the hallway and suddenly his door burst open, his mom and dad standing there with great looks of concern.

"Tae, baby you, okay? We heard you screaming. "His mom said, and Taehyung simply nodded, his arms going out indicating that he wanted to be held and she was quick to grant his wish.

He buried his head into his mom's shoulder and wrapped his arms tightly around her. He didn't want to feel weak, but he couldn't hold his tears back. He cried, sobbed, and wailed while his mom held him tightly and dad rubbed his back gently. Both parents hated seeing their son so helpless, but there wasn't much that could be done as he wouldn't speak about his dreams.

"It's alright baby, you're okay. We got you. "His mom rocked him back and forth while speaking softly to calm his tears.

Nobody realized during the commotion that Taehyung's older sister, Seo Yoon, stood in the doorway watching her brother have a breakdown with a frown on her face. This was a rare sight for her to see and each time a piece of her heart broke for her brother. She missed who he used to be, she didn't like this vulnerable, depressed, careless Taehyung.

Taehyung's father stood up from the bed offering to fix him some warm milk to help him sleep once more but he denied as it was a little past five, school would start a couple of hours.

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