Chapter 6: Hyun-Tae

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!! please don't get confused, Taehyung and Hyun-Tae are the same person!!


Taehyung felt more like his old self today. He had a reason to be happy. He shared a class with his best friend, completely forgetting about being late to school that morning, and he was about to arrive at the class he shared with Jeongguk.

The excitement he felt was absolutely unreal. Jeongguk offered him a ride yesterday, talked to him, gave him his jacket. Why wouldn't he want to be friends?

He entered the half full classroom and walked back to the desk songsaenim A Ra assigned him yesterday. While he eagerly waited for Jeongguk's arrival, he took his class materials from his backpack and neatly laid them out onto his desk.

As soon as Jeongguk walked through the door his eyes landed on the precious boy, who stared back at him with sparkling eyes. It angered him just a bit that he cared for the boy so easily, he sat in his room for hours frustrated by how weird he felt being around Taehyung.

One glance at Taehyung and the remembrance of last night's conversation with his dad popped into his head.

After dropping Taehyung to his home Jeongguk quickly headed to his own place. Confusion filled his brain; he couldn't understand why Taehyung held such a strong place in his heart already. So confused he confided in his father Jae Ho who looked disgusted at his son's behavior.

Jae Ho, CEO of Big Hit. He founded the company from nothing and built it into a huge business empire from scratch. The day he retires will be the day his son would takes over. The company consisted of a partnership with a musical company and also some business with owning other companies.

"Jeongguk, you know the rule. Focus only on school, nothing else. I don't know what is special about this boy, but you need to get your mind off of him. Besides, it might look bad for our company if anything were to happen. Also, you know how there will be an arranged marriage for you. Don't forget that," He said with authority, "You have that group of friends. You're popular. You have everything and keep it that way. Don't want this boy taking over your mind. Nothing good will come of it. Company comes first. family. Not anything else. "With that, Jae Ho left the room, feeling no sincerity towards his son.

Jeongguk laid in his bed completely torn. He adored Taehyung, how soft and quiet he could be. He saw the way his friends protected him, and he wanted to as well even if he had just met him, but as his father said the company meant more than anything else. He would have to ignore Taehyung, much to his dislike. He would come to despise himself for hurting the boy.

With a heavy heart Jeongguk sat down in his proclaimed seat and kept his eyes casted down at his Korean Lit book.

Taehyung who had been extremely happy to see the boy immediately knew something was off. He took a quick glance at Jeongguk and frowned when he would not meet his eyes. Taehyung, over thinking, erupted into a panic state. He couldn't understand what he had done wrong.

Was it that Jeongguk didn't want anyone to know that he gave him this jacket?

Was he nice at lunch because Jimin and Yoongi became friends?

He probably felt pity for him yesterday when he spotted him walking in the rain yesterday evening.

His negative thoughts consumed his mind, and he could no longer think of anything else. He wondered why he had to live this terrible life, why nobody approached him to start a friendship.

Why am I like this?

While his thoughts ran freely, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. The erratic pulsing sensation gave him an oncoming migraine. His fingers reached the hurting spot and he massaged it, digging his fingertips against his skin with force wanting the feeling to go away.

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