Chapter 44: Fight (M)

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"Hey.. Are you sure you want to do this? You look a little nervous. " Yoongi shared a concerned look with Hoseok. He is the only boy who has ever seen the caring side that Yoongi so boldly gave him in that moment. 

"I'm sure.. I don't want us to be hidden, I.. really like you. " Yoongi smiled at his sunshine's reply and stroked his jaw with the pad of his thumb. 

"Let's go. " Hoseok nodded and the two clambered out of the car, hurriedly walking until they were next to each other, side by side. 

Hoseok took a deep breath and locked his fingers between Yoongi's. He couldn't help the smile that creeped onto his lips. Their fingers felt perfectly together. 

Their journey into the school already had Hoseok second guessing their decision to put their relationship out to the school. Stares and whispers from left and right clouded their vision and hearing. With this kind of attention he understood a little better how Taehyung felt with all eyes on him. 

"It's okay, we made it into school.. You can lose your right grip on my hand, Hobi. " Yoongi said for only Hoseok to hear and he nodded, keeping the right grip on Yoongi's hand even so. 

Taehyung saw the commotion at the school doors and frowned. The loud voices and angry whispers mixed with the quiet voices and happy, shocked whispers had him curious. He couldn't pass this up. 

He shuffled his way down the buzzing hallway and gasped when he reached the doors where a Hoseok and Yoongi walked in hand and hand. 

"You.. what.. what w-what is this.. " Taehyung pointed at their hands while still wearing the shocked expression. 

"Taehyung-ah.. If you don't close your mouth flies will get in. " Yoongi commented boredly, acting as if there was nothing out of the ordinary. Taehyung pressed his lips together and pouted, his finger still pointing towards their hands. 

"Hobi hyung.. why didn't you tell me? " Taehyung faked hurt and covered his heart with his hands. 

"Sorry, Tae.. It slipped my mind with everything that has been going on. " 

"Were you t-together when we a-all spent the night? " 

".. No. It was yesterday after school. " Hoseok said sadly knowing how disappointed Taehyung would feel knowing he kept this huge secret from him. 

"Oh.. " Taehyung thought for a moment then shrugged. 

"I'm happy for you two. " He smiled and took both of their hands, "let's go.. Jeongguk called this morning a-and said he wouldn't be able to make it. " Something about helping his dad with company papers during the school day. 

Taehyung followed the new couple around at school every chance he could. In between classes, during break, lunch, you would find him bugging them about their relationship and any other random thing he could think to talk about. Namjoon, Jimin, and Jin joined in on the teasing at lunch. It was all in all a good day. 

"Yoongi has practice.. " Hoseok appeared with a melancholy aura. 

"He's love sick.. " Jin muttered and shook his head as he 'tsked'. 

"Hey.. why don't we go to that cafe a couple blocks from here? " Namjoon suggested and Taehyung nodded in excitement. 

"I wish Jimin could join us. Too bad he has to help a younger classmate study. " 

"Study, sure. " Jin acted like he knew something the others didn't. They are all in relationships now, was Jimin keeping it a secret? 

"Lets go, we'll meet each other there? " 

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