Chapter 12: Silent Comfort

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Sunday passed by uneventfully. Jin and Jimin stopped by to check on their beloved Taehyung, and Taehyung was also informed that Monday he needed to stop by the Therapy office to have a short chat with Doctor Jung about the switching that occurred this time.

It was now Monday morning and Taehyung left the building of Jung therapy as quickly as possible. Sitting in a cushioned chair for two hours wasn't as comfortable as it sounded. His body ached and his thighs all the way up felt numb from sitting in the same position.

Seeing as he would be in second period at the time, Taehyung ran his way to the bus stop, hoping to catch the one that would take him as close to his school as possible. He didn't understand why he was in such a hurry this day, any other day he would take his time and arrive whenever.

The bus had just closed the door when Taehyung arrived and he frantically banged on the door hoping to be let it. The driver looked at him through the glass and let out an annoyed huff before opening the door up once more.

"Th-thank you so much. " He bowed to the driver and paid. He took his usually seat in the back away from anyone to avoid being judged. He knew distance wouldn't stop thinking stares and whispers, but it still somewhat comforted him.

His phone blew up with text messages from his three best friends, and one from his mom to make sure the session went fine, asking where he was and why he had not shown up to school. Instead of replying he chose to wait until he arrived at school to surprise his friends.

The drive took longer than expected, with the huge amount of passengers climbing on to the bus at every stop Taehyung made it to school during the middle of the third period, something that he wasn't at all happy about.

The principal knew of his morning therapy session and excused him from his first two and a half periods. Upon entering the school building Taehyung could head off to class without stopping by the office.

Outside the classroom he could hear and eruption of cheers. The loud noise caused him to flinch backwards, he no longer felt like entering the classroom at all. Through the window he could see sunbaenim Ah Ra trying to quiet the class down. It looked as if they were excited about a learning topic , the only way Taehyung would find out was to go inside the room.

With great anxiety Taehyung placed his hand around the door handle and opened the door earning burning stares from everyone seated in the room. As soon as he walked into the room and back to his desk whispers and glances were shot at him. Taehyung felt the atmosphere around him change into a suffocating hot mess. Those around him were gossiping about last week, he knew that. If he felt uncomfortable now, he could only imagine how bad he would feel when the day was over.

Taehyung sat down as quietly as possible hoping to avoid any other unwanted attention from his classmates. He refused to make any movements, any sounds, and any contact with anyone in the room. Everyone except Jeongguk.

A few minutes into explanation of statues and their ties with Korean Literature, Taehyung got enough courage to hold his head up and briefly glance at Jeongguk who was already staring at him with an unreadable expression.

Remembering the words spoken to him by Yoongi, Taehyung gave the raven haired boy next to him a soft smile. He didn't want Jeongguk to worry about him anymore.

Jeongguk was taken aback at the gesture he received from Taehyung. All this time he thought he had done something wrong and would never be able to speak to him again.

When he first entered class a few minutes ago all Jeongguk could think about was how much he missed him being around school, even if they didn't speak to each other often. How could one possibly think this way only knowing a person for two days, he didn't know but that's exactly how he felt. The glances and whispers he overheard from his classmates made his anger boil. If they ever laid a hand on Taehyung they would regret it, he wouldn't stop at just the first punch.

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