Chapter 31: Lost

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A week on this new medicine and Taehyung was over it already. He was nonstop sick, throwing up every few hours, getting hot flashes way too often, and he felt his depression was far worse than it ever had been. The doctor had recommended keeping Taehyung at home until the medicine started working properly so there was no chance of any kind of severe mental breakdown. 

Taehyung hadn't seen his friends in over a week, and no contact from Yoongi or Jeongguk still. 

Jin stopped by everyday to bring home his homework, Jimin would call every now and then and he visited a couple of days after school, and Hoseok was over constantly trying to cheer Tae up. He was over so much Chaeyeon had to force him to leave a couple of times, in her word's it wasn't good for Taehyung to be around anyone at the moment with the change of his medication. 

It was actually a funny sight to watch. He was a bit sad though since his mom banned his friends from visiting anytime that day, it was a Friday. 

"Mom.. I still don't feel well, this isn't right.. Can I please have a friend over if you're leaving. "

"Tae, honey you know it's a school day and your friends or at school. Besides, you need to get used to this medication. " His mother replied. 

"I'm not getting used to it, it's been over a week mom.. Everything hurts, why won't you take me to the doctor and check up on it.. " He pleaded. He felt absolutely terrible but nobody was listening. 

"Honey, it takes time okay. " There was no arguing, what Chaeyeon always says, goes.

"Me and your father are going to be gone most of the day, we have work and then we're going to a dinner party. I know you don't like those, we're not making you go this time. "

"Okay mom.. " Taehyung sighed, not really  feeling like being left alone. He had a bad feeling about it, a really bad feeling. 

"Love you baby. Be safe. " Chaeyeon kissed his cheek and left. 

As soon as the door clicked shut Taehyung headed back upstairs. 

"Alone again.. " He mumbled to himself. 

Upon entering his room, Taehyung stood in the middle of his semi-messy room and looked around for something new to do. He played games already, read as many books as his mind would allow, watched many movies and binged watched shows, there was nothing else left to do. How he yearned to go back to school and spend time with his friends, and Jeongguk.. 

Even though his room held many things for him to do he opted for a nap. 

The covers engulfed him as soon as his body hit the bed, the covers felt so comfortable he fell asleep within minutes. 

"Mommy I don't wanna go back there. " A small Taehyung said. 

"It's okay baby, you went there before.. This time you will just be staying a little longer.. " Chaeyeon said sadly. 

"Mommy you're crying." Taehyung whispered and wiped away her tears with his thumb. 

"I'm fine baby. I love you okay.. They're here to get you. " She smiled and ruffled his hair, "I'll see you soon.. We'll come and visit you for your birthday I promise. " Taehyung nodded and reluctantly walked off to where his uncle was standing. As he got closer the figure changed faces and it was no longer his uncle. 

"Uncle..? " He asked softly and the man shook his head with a menacing smile. The man stalled towards him with big strides until he was just close enough to wrap his arms around the young, small boy. 

"Now you're mine. " He stroked the young boys hair softly and leaned forward to kiss his forehead. He didn't pull away though, he left his face close enough Taehyung could feel his breath. 

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