Chapter 51: Surprise

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As Taehyung crossed through the automatic opening he scrunched his nose, the smell of cleaning supplies too strong for his liking. The light fixtures shone brightly illuminating the already bright walls. This place was all too familiar for him. If his mother allowed he would have stayed at home cuddled up to his pillow and enjoying a movie. The longer he talked about his past the more he felt he would never be happy. 

He stepped up to the receptionist desk and called out his name, which he didn't have to do. The lady with deep brown hair recognized him by the back of his head. She had worked in the office for years and remembered Taehyung since the first day his parents brought him in for an appointment. 

"Taehyung. How are you? " She asked, smiling sweetly at him. He shrugged, still feeling uncomfortable around her as they rarely spoke to each other. 

"Doctor Jung is in his office. His last appointment just left, you can go ahead and go back. " He nodded and followed her orders. Doctor Jung sat with his glasses barely hanging onto the edge of his nose, heavily focused on the stacks of notes that laid in front of him. 

"D-doctor Jung.." Taehyung cleared his throat to get his attention. 

"Ah, Taehyung. " Doctor Jung removed his glasses and smiled, "I'm excired for our session today. How have things been? " He asked as the blond haired boy sat down in front of him. 

Taehyung lifted his shoulders and dropped them heavily. He twirled his fingers around and pursed his lips, not in the mood to answer any kind of questions. 

"Is something wrong?, " Doctor Jung took out his pen and already began writing notes down, not a good sign. Taehyung watched him with bored eyes. When he refused to talk, a lot was written down on paper. When he decided to speak up the Doctor would listen and fully focus on him, the paper being forgotten about. 

"I heard about your.. family friend. I'm happy they caught him.. I'm happy for you. " He pushed on hoping for any kind of reaction. 

He received none, leaving himself in a disappointed state. 

"Your mom told me about the situation. Do you plan on going to court and testifying? " That question snapped Taehyung's gaze to the therapist in front of him and he shook his head quickly. 

He nodded in understanding, 

Alright, at least we're getting somewhere. 

"How is school? Your friends, are they well? What about Jeongguk? " 

"... Do Ji Han. " Taehyung suddenly said out of the blue, shocking Doctor Jung as they had not discussed his matter. He had no clue Taehyung even knew about him. He recalled how his mother had mentioned the situation hurting Taehyung , but he had no memory at all of him. Part of his dissociation. 

"He goes t-to my school and I.. I.." Taehyung sighed defeatedly, "I r-remembered after I r-remembered my childhood.. " 

"I saw him at s-school.. I d-didn't know it was h-h-him. He h-had cornered me before b-but I thought he was some new b-bully. But it was him.."

"How does that make you feel? " Doctor Jung asked and Taehyung hesitated, not exactly sure how to pour his feelings out. 

"I d-don't know, I don't want h-him near me because he's s-still crazy. He has t-this weird outlook on the way things need to be. "

"I told Jeongguk about him, I told him what happened and he doesn't like me being left alone at school now. S-sometimes he's too over protective but I've been through a lot and he knows I guess, he wants to keep me safe. I've never been sage. " Taehyung mumbled the last few words. All these feelings were new to him and he was finally beginning to accept that there was more to life than being afraid. 

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