Chapter 45: Dont Leave Me

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Soo Won held his head as he stumbled down the stairs. He reached the window and his eyes darted around frantically as he hoped nobody heard the loud screaming. The little brat wouldn't shut up and each second that flew by had him paranoid to death. If he continued screaming till the others arrived home there was a good chance Soo Won would be caught. 

He had to think of an excuse, a really well thought out excuse. 

"Ahh.. I know, I'll use the crazy card. He's messed up mentally anyway. " Soo Won smirked. He felt like a genius, an absolute genius. 

It didn't come as a surprise to him when the front door was thrown open revealing a highly concerned mother with the other three trailing behind her in worry. Chaeyeon could hear the screaming from outside, surprised the neighbors weren't outside acting curious. She noticed the light on in Taehyung's room and could see his shadow flashing by as things were being thrown. 

"What's going on? What happened? " Chaeyeon asked demandingly. 

"I'm not sure. He came home, went to his room. He told me he would be on the phone with someone, maybe they upset him pretty bad.. He's not okay mentally. We all understand that. " Soo Won explained calmly, not once wavering. 

"Oh.. " Chaeyeon cried out and hugged Beom Seok tightly. 

"If this keeps up, I would consider a mental facility. At least for a couple of months. " Soo Won said in the softest voice. He tried to fake compassion, but Chaeryeon, who he had known for years, could see right through him almost. He glanced at her once and knew she felt something off. 

"I'm.. I'm gonna go check on him. He might open the door for me. " Chaeyeon sniffled and hurried upstairs, the heels she wore cuckinf against the hard floor heavily. 

"Taehyung.. " She knocked hard enough for him to hear and he immediately stopped what he was doing, listening for any further talking. 

"Taehyung, baby, it's mom.. "

"Get.. Get away from my door. " He yelled shakily.

She gasped. His voice held such deep emotion, filled with hatred and fear, sadness. Since Taehyung was born he never spoke to her that way.

"Taehyung, please.. Let me in. Tell me what's wrong, I'm-"

"I said..get away from my door! " He shouted, voice raspy and hoarse from the heavy crying and the loud yelling. 

She nodded defeatedly and stepped back from the door. Her steps were slow as she made her way back to the others. Her whole aura expressed deep worry. She looked up to see her husband staring at her with hope and she shook her head, breaking out into tears.

"Is there anyone we could call? Someone might have heard from him before this happened.. " Taecyeon suggested, giving Chaeyeon a bit of hope. 

"I don't think that's necessary.. " Soo Won was clearly against the suggestion. Anything to ruin his reputation with the family, he wouldn't allow it. 

"Wait till his crazy spell wears off. " 

"This is my house. I'd appreciate it if you stopped speaking about my son that way. " Beom Seok's voice boomed through the living room. Each word precisely pronounced. 

"Why don't we call Hoseok? " Chaeryeon mentioned. She hasn't been around long and Hoseok was the only friend of Taehyung's she could remember. His smile was too bright to forget. 

They all agreed and Cheyeon phoned Hoseok. She could barely talk and Chaeryeon took the phone over to speak for her. Hoseok explained that the last he heard from Taehyung was at the coffee shop after school. They thanked him and hung up. 

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