Chapter 53: One (M!!!!)

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Taehyung pushed open their hotel door and stumbled in. They had just arrived back from dinner and their hilarious conversation had him in a laughing fit. He could hardly keep himself balanced. 

"Baby.. Be car- be careful. " Jeongguk chuckled, the funny wearing off as soon as he saw his boyfriend almost fall. 

"Please be careful. " He said softly and took both of Taehyung's hands in his, their fingers lacing together. Taehyung nodded, looking down to avoid any kind of eye contact. 

"Look at me, please. " He pleaded, wanting to see those beautiful brown eyes of his. Although he was filled with nerves, Taehyung lifted his gaze just enough to look Jeongguk in the eyes. His breath caught in his throat and he felt like the whole world around them washed away. 

"You're so beautiful. " Jeongguk let go of Tae's hand and traced his index finger along his jaw. He could believe such a precious boy like Taehyung was with him right now. A year ago he would never look at a guy this way, he wouldn't have imagined himself being in love with a person. He was more than in love with Taehyung, if that was even possible. 

"I'm so happy I have the chance to spend a life with you. " Jeongguk leaned in and kissed his forehead softly, mumbling, 

"I love you, Taehyung. So much. " He pulled away so Taehyung could look him in the eyes and see how true he meant those words. 

There was a little vulnerability, Taehyung could see it and sense it. Jeongguk wouldn't be this way with anyone else except Tae and he was more than happy for that.  He got to see a side he would never be able to share with anyone but Jeongguk. 

The longer they stared into each other's eyes the more tense the atmosphere got. The air clouded around them, the heat radiating off if their bodies surrounded them making it hot in the room. Jeongguk glanced down at Taehyung's lips then back to his eyes several times. That action alone had thousands of butterflies circling Tae's stomach.

Taehyung felt bold, it was either the adrenaline pumping through his veins or the true love he felt for the handsome boy in front of him. Either way, he felt confident enough to lean in and press his lips to Jeongguk's. The kiss was slow, their lips moving together in a sensual way. The kiss was filled with passion. 

Jeongguk groaned softly, the boldness of Taehyung turning him on. He wrapped his strong muscle filled arms around Taehyung and embraced his body close. He had the sudden impulse to keep his body right against his, wanting the intimacy. 

Fire filled their veins and their minds clouded over with just the thought of pleasure. Jeongguk pushed Taehyung back a little and accidentally pushed them into the wall, a loud thud echoing the room.

Jeongguk immediately stopped and apologized profusely, asking if Taehyung was hurt anywhere. 

"Im really sorry.." Taehyung stopped him before he could keep going and shook his head with a laugh as if saying everything was perfectly fine. 

"Are you-" Taehyung pushed his lips hard against Jeongguk to shut him up. The kiss this time was more feverish and rapid. 

Jeongguk wrapped his arms around around Taehyung's waist, picking him up without any struggle at all, and carried him to the bed where he laid him down gently. Slowly he crawled on top of him, his fingers pushing up underneath Taehyung's shirt feeling his soft stomach, his skin smooth like butter. He could feel his love quivering underneath his touch. 

"Is this okay? " He asked softly as he bunched Taehyung's shirt up wanting to get the material off of him. 

"I-I.. " Taehyung nodded in response after quickly contemplating where this would lead. 

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