Chapter 23: Together (bam)

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Taehyung sat on the bed in front of his packed belongings. His knee bounced rapidly and he twirled his fingers around his shirt then pulled his sleeves down, actions that had been continuous for the last ten minutes. His second day without his medicine made him more fidgety and aware of his surroundings, too aware of his surroundings. 

He awoke early this morning to have his clothes packed and ready before the last minute. Jeongguk had woken up during the time of his packing and uttered not a single word to Taehyung. No good morning, no asking if he was okay, it bothered Taehyung a lot causing him to think after yesterday Jeongguk wanted nothing to do with him. 

In no time all boys were up and packed and it was time to head downstairs for breakfast, or if you wanted you could already head onto the bus and wait, Taehyung's choice. 

Jeongguk decided to get breakfast plate to go. He filled the plate with a couple of waffles, a handful of bacon and sausage, some scrambled eggs, a couple pieces of french toast and a bowl of fruit. He could eat all of this by himself but he saw Taehyung head to the bus empty handed. Without his meds he at least needed to eat, Jeongguk was worried about him. 

With the huge plate of food in his hands, he headed outside and onto the bus straight for the seat next to Taehyung. They hadn't spoken all morning, mostly because he was afraid of what Taehyung would think of their almost kiss. 

Taehyung looked up, startled by the sudden appearance of Jeongguk. His eyes landed on the huge plate of food and he was surprised Jeongguk was about to eat all of that. 

"Here," Jeongguk sat the food on the opened tray in front of them," eat. " Jeongguk placed a fork in front of Taehyung and Taehyung looked at Jeongguk in bewilderment. 

"E-eat all of.." He trailed off, glancing at the food. 

"I brought enough for both of us. I saw you didn't eat before coming out, and.."

Taehyung's expression softened, his heart jumping, pounding against his chest. 

Why does he care so much, it's not good for my heart.. 

Taehyung grabbed a fork and a knife to cut the waffle only to notice Jeongguk already had it cut for him. The boys began eating in silence, glancing at each other with secret smiles every now and then. 

Soon student followed by student filtered on the bus and took their respective seats and the bus was off, taking the students to their last two museum stops: Daegu Textile Museum and the Daegu art Museum. There wasn't much to see at the Textile Museum, nothing that interested most of the kids anyways. Different styles of fashion were shown through some of the exhibits and it caught Taehyung's liking, he was much into fashion and jewelry. 

Arriving at the second museum, Daegu Museum of Art, the students caught more interest from the paintings. The difference styles in each piece of artwork were stunning and held a lot of history and emotion. Taehyung found himself wandering off as he stared a bit too long trying to decipher each emotion the artist might have been feeling. 

He panicked when he realized that not a single person from his group, or anyone from their classes, was around him. He looked at all of the unfamiliar faces around him and whimpered. His mind could no longer tell the difference between reality and dream, he was hallucinating. 

He could see everyone's eyes on him whispering behind their hands to hide their secret words about him. The judging humans around him inched closer, enclosing the once empty space around him, their whispers getting louder and louder. 

Taehyung spun around quickly, tears caused by utter fear brimming his eyes. Before he could react to anything he felt a hand softly touch his shoulder and he jumped back only to see Yoongi. Looking around he noticed all of the occupants of the gallery were leisurely walking around paying attention to the paintings, not paying attention to him. 

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