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I woke up from sleep this morning around 6:30am. The sunshine was all over my face. I stood up from my very comforting bed and closed the blinds.

I headed for the bathroom and took a shower for like twenty minutes. I wet my long black hair that stops at the middle of my back and dried it.

Now to pick an outfit. I picked a red off shoulder shirt, black skinny jeans with the knee sides ripped off and I finish it with an after dress abaya.

"Hauwa hurry up!" My dad called and I wouldn't want to make him angry.

"Coming sir." I yelled back. My father and older sister Maimuna hate me so much.

They blame me for killing my mother and that day Maimuna and my dad hate me so much.

Only my older brother ya Amir still love me no matter what.

I headed downstairs and went to the dining room and met yam balls which I love so much.

I sat on the dining table with everyone and was about to eat until Maimuna slapped my hands away.

"What do you think you're doing! You think you're part of this family after killing mom!" She attacked me with anger.

I stood up from the table to defend myself. "I didn't kill mom!"

"Stop acting all innocent you creep. Everyone in this table knows you're just a hypocrite who acts all innocent!" She yells.

She stood up from her seat walking away bumping into my shoulder on purpose.

"I better take you to school." Said dad also standing up from his chair. I followed him outside grabbing my back pack and was about to enter the car when he blocked my way. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Um..going into the car." I said to him.

"Find your way to school for making me late." He said. "You have legs to walk."

"But father why are you doing this? She's just fifteen." Amir defended me.

"Because she deserves it. She should be lucky she's still living in this house. So it's either you go with me or her?" He says looking at me with disgust.

"Don't worry I can go with her." Amir says which made me smile.

"That's your problem." Dad said going into the car driving away.

I hugged my big brother. "Let's go baby sis."

I have the best brother ever. Allahamdulillah for the one person that still loves me and takes care of me.

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