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I updated chapter 10-15 make sure you read them in order.

I was already downstairs ready to go to school.

And guess what this psycho made me wear. A black long sleeve shirt and yellow highway skirt with purple flower decorations.

I was going towards the drivers car but Ashad dragged me by my left wrist and squeezed it hard then whispered something in my ear.

"You better not say anything in school and try to escape because I know that's what you're thinking. Even if you run away, I'll still find you and it will be worse than anything you have been through." He said and then let me go.

I tightened my fists and entered the back seat of the drivers car. The as dropped from my left eye.


After last period I came out of the class and headed towards my locker and saw Muhammad there.

I was about to turn and go the other way but he saw me and called my name. "Hauwa."

Ughhh!!! I turned around and faced him. "Yes?" I said nervously.

"Are you avoiding me?" He asked.

"No." I said and bit my lips.

"Then why were you going to turn around?"

"I was going to my locker." I lied.

"But your locker is over here." He said pointing at it and looked at me like I was stupid.

"Oh. I forgot." I said putting on a fake smile and he looks at me suspicious.

"You did- wait. What's that on your face." He asked pointing at my right cheek.

I touched it and felt the bruise on my face. That mad psycho really knows how to slap and the worse part was that he was wearing a ring which us similar to mine which I noticed this morning.

"it's nothing." I said and covered my cheek with my hand.

He removed my hand from my face."who do this to you?" He asked.

"It's no one." I said and looked at another direction.

"I'd it's no one then why is there a bruise on your face." He said and crossed hos arms.

"I'd just mistakenly bumped into a furniture that's it."

"You know you're terrible at lying right? So you can't lie to me." He said.

"Am not lying." I defended.

"Then why are your eyebrows up?"

"I have to go home now. Bye." I said quickly and turn around to leave but he pulls my hand gently.

"Can I walk you home?" He asked.

"No it's fine." I said. "But you can walk me to the parking lot."

We walk out of the building.

Then a black AudiR8 parked in front of us. The windows rolls down and I see Ashad.

"Get in the car. Now." He instructed.

I didn't bother to look at Muhammad, I just followed his instructions and got into the car.


The whole ride was silent and we finally reached the hell-hole he calls home.

We came out of the car and he gripped my wrist and he dragged me towards the house.

We stopped in the living room and he finally broke the silence.

"Who was that guy?" He asked.

"No one." I said confidently and crossed my arms.

"I SAID WHO WAS THAT GUY!!!" He raised his voice.

"Just a friend. He's just a friend." I said still confident.

His face changed and his eyes turned to a shade of black again.

He raised his right hand and slapped me.

"I don't want to see you with that guy again you b**** or else you'll see the real me." He threatened and went upstairs to his room.

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