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I held my hands feeling very cold and the worse part was that I was wearing a short sleeve. I tried crawling to the door but fell flat on my back.

I wince as my back felt so cold.

"Have you learnt your lesson?" I look up to see Maimuna but immediately look back at the floor.

I heard the clicking noise and I turn to look at her opening the door.

"Come out." She ordered and I quickly stood up going towards the door. "If you tell anyone about this you'll regret it."

WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY? It's time to take my small feet down.

"I won't tell anyone but all this have to stop! I'm a human and you can't keep treating me like shit. When mom died you started hating on me because you think all is my fault but you never gave me a chance to hear me out or what really happened. We used to be so close..."

I expected her to say something but she didn't but just stared at me with a blank face.

I turn to leave but she finally starts talking. "You killed our mother and she was the best thing we had in this family. You killed her, you broke this family!" She snapped and left me in the kitchen.

I watched as she left me. I went upstairs to my room and fell on my very comfy bed.

Today was the worst day of my life. Out of all the days, being locked in the freezer for almost an hour was painful, I would've freezes to death.

I turn of the air conditioning and start to doze off the sleep and my phone pinged. "Message from an unknown number." I said to myself.

I opened my iMessage and looked at the message.

Ukn: Hello.

Me: who's this?

Ukn: oh really?

Me: oh. How did u get me number.

Ukn: from Munira.

Me: liar. Never gave her my number.

Ukn: okay fine u caught me.

Me: now tell me the truth.

Ukn: no I won't.

Me: okay then. I can easily block u.

Ukn: u wouldn't dare.

Me: goodbye.

Ukn: come back. I won't still tell you.
Hauwa! Hauwa!
Come back.
Fine I will tell u.

Me: now tell me how u got my number.

Ukn: I stole ur number from ur phone.

Me: idiot. You know what I'm gonna sleep.

Ukn: I won't let you.

Me: bye 👋

Ukn: nooo...

With that I turn off my WiFi and doze off.

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