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I've updated charter 46 and 47. Make sure you read them in order and comment what you think. I love to hear from you guys.

7 days already passed and today I'll the naming ceremony of my premature babies.

Actually I didn't want anything big but Ashad insisted, he just had  to do it in a big hall called Glamour hall.

People's have been passing by complimenting the twins, I got to name the girl and Ashad got to name the boy.

Adeel and Adeela.

They have Ashads complexion and eyes. So cute. But I just hope that when they grow up non of them will be like Ashad, I don't want my children to be psychotic like him.

"Excuse me?" A male voice said digging me out of my thoughts. I turn to look at the male guy who's 18 or so.


"I can see you're the mother of these two adorable twins I assume?" He said.

"Thanks." I said.

"It's their naming ceremony so why don't you look so happy like other mothers should be?" He said.

"Not that am happy." I said. "It's just that am a bit tired of taking all those pictures, talking and other stuffs." I said.

It took me by surprise when he grabbed my hand gently.

"Look, I know you're not happy with all of this, I know you're husband abuses you am I right?"

"What makes you think my husband abuses me?" I asked.

"The finger buses on your neck are visible." He said and came closer. My hand still in his. "If you need some help I ca-"

"I need to speak to my wife." Ashad cut him off. "Now."

I stood up and followed him inside a room with no one inside. He looked around for security cameras.

"Who the hell is that guy?" He asked.

"No one." I said.

"I asked you a question Hauwa. Who. Is. That. Guy?"

"I just met him." I said.

"Then why we're you holding hands?" He said and tightened his fists. I remained silent.

His fist was about to land on my face and I quickly move away falling on the ground.

His fist smashes the mirror into pieces and they was blood all over his hand.

"Bitch look at what you've done!" He yelled. "That's it I'm gonna kill you!" He said and brought out his gun.

"Ashad you're out of your mind! Drop the gun!" I yelled but all he does is smile.

This chapter was suppose to be very long but I wrote it up to 3 times and it has been disappearing so I split it into two.

I'll soon upload the next one. Don't forget to vote.<3♥♥♥

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