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Hope you check out my other books;
His Wife.
Fatal Deception.
Loving Hayrah.

If there's anything you need to ask please comment and I'll answer you right away.

And please when you reach the end of the chapter, press that little star down there and make it orange.

Hauwas POV

I sighed and walked into the building of our school.

I never knew I would miss school in my life.

I walk to my locker and get my English and literature text book. I close my locker shut and was so shocked to see Munira and Muhammad leaning by my locker.

"You scared me." I said and put my left hand on my chest.

"Or should we say you scared us." Munira said.

"Why didn't you come to school this whole week?" Muhammad asked.

"I was sick and stayed home in bed." I lied.

"I would've believed that but...on Monday we went to your house and your sister said you're in a better place and that you enjoy so much in your husbands house." Munira said.

I couldn't believe what I just heard, she thinks am in a better place while I'm suffering in that hell hole.

"Well....?" Muhammad said digging me out of my thoughts. I bit my two lips.

"I was at a friends house." I said quickly.

"Then why did your sister say you're in a better place and you're in your boyfriends house?" Munira said suspiciously.

I told Munira everything bit she doesn't know about the Ashad issue.

"You know, my sister like joking around." I lied hoping they'll believe me.

"She looked pretty serious." Muhammad said and came closer to me. He grabbed my two hands gently and looked into my eyes. "If there's anything bothering you you know you can tell us."

Now he's just making me feel bad. I wish I could tell them but I can't risk their life because of Ashad. He's capable of doing anything.

"No. Nothing is bothering me." I lied. A tear almost escaped my eyes. He looked disappointed.

"Okay. See you in class." Muhammad said and left.

Now I feel terrible.

Munira opened her arms and came to hug me.

We let go and I spoke. "I didn't want to lie to him."

"I know you don't. Muhammad is just looking out for you." Munira said.

She's the only person other than my family that knows about some the problems going on in my life.


Mrs Ammal gave us projects and paired us into two.

And am paired with Muhammad.

I walked out of class and already met Muhammad by my locker.

He waved at me and I walked towards him.

"Our projects is due on Monday so can I come to your house today so we can discuss our pro-"

I cut him off. "No!" I yelled making half of the people in the hallway give us dirty looks. "I mean...I'll come over to your house." I suggested.

"Okayyyy......" he said giving me a weird look. "See you soon." He said and left.

My life is so fucked up.

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