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Muhammad's pov

"Mother I said school starts by 7 not 8." I complained.

"How would I know? You didn't even tell me!" She said rolling her eyes at me.

"But-" She cut me off by blasting the music so loud the car was vibrating and I quickly got out.

I don't know who's more annoying between her and my twin sister Munira God forgive me.

I was walking past the parking lot unt l something caught my eyes.

A girl.

She was so beautiful MashaAllah with nice caramel skin. She looked like she's been crying.

Should I go and talk to her or I should keep going into the school?

I slap my left cheek with my hand. Muhammad why do you always behave stupid around girls?

I turn to leave but I just had to stop to look at her again running a hand through my black silky hair.

I was about to walk towards her direction then she immediately left.

I just slap my forehead. I'm so stupid!

Then my one and only annoying best friend and also cousin Jamal appeared.

"Yo Moh!" He ran up to me. "I was watching you all the way from the window staring at that girl that was leaning on the car." He said smirking.

"I don't have a crush." I said before walking away and he ran up to me.

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